Hello, this maybe a obvious. But i'm new to all this and i really need some help! :). I was wondering if someone knew how i could turn off email verification (being emailed to confirm the account) As i feel it is not necessary to have spam stopper, being an image with writing that you have to enter and an email to confirm the user is not a bot. So if some one could help me out, that would be great, thanks.

Been a while since I used Vbulletin but this may help.

Go to:
>Vbulletin Options
>User Registration Options

Untick the "Verify Email address in Registration"

Been a while since I used Vbulletin but this may help.

Go to:
>Vbulletin Options
>User Registration Options

Untick the "Verify Email address in Registration"

Yeah, your correct. Thanks alot :)

I was looking around email options and human verification options.

Appreciate it.

- sam

Don't mention it.

Keep in mind, the email verification isn't there to prevent spammers... Nothing stops a user from registering with an email address the user doesn't own. In that case, your forum will be sending unwanted spam to people who may have never even heard of your site.

Wow thread resurrection, the OP hasn't been here in over a year

Ya, its a bit of necromancy. But this is the top ranked result for "disable vbulletin email verification", and without awareness of how the registration form can be abused, amateurs could go disabling email verification without knowing the risks.

For instance, I've already received an email update for this very thread, despite that I have never verified that I actually own the email address I used to create my account. If one were so inclined, they could post in the most active daniweb thread, directing an ongoing assault of updates from daniweb to anyone they dislike.

Daniweb handles this pretty well, by making the opt-out link in the email rather prominent in every notice... But by default, vbulletin does not do that.

I'm sure this thread gets regular traffic due its rank, and just thought I'd share some perspective for beginner admins who may not have considered the full repercussions of their vbulletin configuration.

Turns out daniweb also sends a followup, requiring email verification within 24 hours or the account is disabled. This is also non-default vbulletin behavior, which is another countermeasure to prevent people from abusing the registration form - most vbulletin configurations are more open to abuse by default.

Please note that you must click the above link within one day of joining for your membership to remain active.

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