Hi guys, really need your help on this one. Because i have been searching the web all day today and i cannot find out how to it. The only possibility i found was to pay a professionally do it for me, but sadly i don't have the money to afford that :( .

Anyways, more on topic :)

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to i could "merge" the vbulletin member database, with the eliteladders database. So that my members do not require to sign up twice for the same website. I dont know the difficulty level but ANY help would be absolutely great. The databases are Mysql.

So thats all the information i really know, im not the greatest at the moment when it comes to website problem management. So if anyone could help me out that would be just great.

- Sam

Okay well I first need to ask how dedicated you are to this?

This is a complex proccess!

Basicly to start with you will need to compare the two database systems. In order for them to work together they need to use just the one.

Another issue is they probably require two seperate cookies. So you will also need to edit the source in order to use just one cookie.

Okay well I first need to ask how dedicated you are to this?

This is a complex proccess!

Basicly to start with you will need to compare the two database systems. In order for them to work together they need to use just the one.

Another issue is they probably require two seperate cookies. So you will also need to edit the source in order to use just one cookie.

I'm very commited, so if you could help that would be really great!

Right first of all you need to export the tables from wich you think the members are held.

You need to do this for both, after doing so you can post them in tags.[code=sql] tags.

Ok i have exported them on to my computer, so i have the .sql files on my hdd. As far as i know that is what you mean. thanks.

Yes thats right, either attach them to a post or open them up and copy and paste the contents into tags. ;)[code=sql] tags. ;)

heres the attachments, if you mean post them on daniwebs that is.

They had to be in .zip because daniwebs do not allow the sql filetype :(

Okay, I will let you down gently, I think it's a bit farfetched to explain this through a forum. It is virtually imposible for me to tell you how to do this.

The two tables are vastly different.

It would take a week maybe more for a professional to do this.

Unfortunately this is too difficult to do through a forum. I am really sorry.

Okay, I will let you down gently, I think it's a bit farfetched to explain this through a forum. It is virtually imposible for me to tell you how to do this.

The two tables are vastly different.

It would take a week maybe more for a professional to do this.

Unfortunately this is too difficult to do through a forum. I am really sorry.

Its ok...

Okay, I will let you down gently, I think it's a bit farfetched to explain this through a forum. It is virtually imposible for me to tell you how to do this.

The two tables are vastly different.

It would take a week maybe more for a professional to do this.

Unfortunately this is too difficult to do through a forum. I am really sorry.

Thanks for the effort.

Glad you got it solved ;)

Glad you got it solved ;)

Yeah me to, thanks man.

Elite ladders had finally brought out a script that allows you to integrate vbulletin and egl. Problem resolved. It can be found here.. http://eliteladders.com/community/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=79

Hey man, that link doesnt seem to work could you please post another one...

Also I would like to know how satisfied you are with the Elite Ladders Script... did you have to invest a lot of time in developing or customizing the installation? Do all of the functions advertised on the site work?


i answered your question in the private message that you sent me, but the reason the link doesnt work is because you do not have permission to view the file unless you are a verified buyer of the script.

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