DaveSW I hope you will help me :)

At this site. There is a vertical menu on the left side of the page. It uses some javascript for styling and animation. It works fine and looks good in firefox, but in IE as you hover over the different menu options the background will disappear and in the status bar you will see a message about downloading images. All classes in the rollover have the same background image. Any ideas as to how to prevent the flicker and redownload?


Hey Dance Instructor
I'll take a look at this in a few hours time - remind me if I haven't looked at it before monday!

The problem appears to be that the menu uses javascript to change the cell id onMouseOver and onMouseOut. This means that the background is specified in both. IE clearly thinks it's two different images. (SM_c becomes SMcs)

I suggest you take all the references to the dkback.gif out of the SM_c and SM_cs items, and add a containing div around the menus which will then have the background in it. That won't change on mouseover, and should solve your problem.

If you want me to work on it further, can you zip up a html page with the menu on it, and the associated images and css files? It would be awkward to make a new stylesheet for it without the ability to test it...

Ahh, that worked like a charm. Thanks man :)

No problem - glad you made sense of the explanation... ;)

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