Well, i found this hack for VB. And basically it displays the information of the user the same as before but in a different position. I was wondering if someone could help me out and tell me how to center the action buttons and info above and below the post.

The reason why the picture looks funny is because there was only one screen shot in the hack download page, and there was an option to flip the positions of info and the buttons, which was what i wanted. :)

So yeah if someone could tell me how that would be great and theres a screen shot below showing what the code does and the code itself.

apoligies, wrong postbit file

Member Avatar for diafol

This is a php, not VB. Also, the 'centering' should be performed by CSS or inline attributes if you're using bbcode.

This is a php, not VB. Also, the 'centering' should be performed by CSS or inline attributes if you're using bbcode.

I dont think vb have their own coding lol, and Vbulletin use .php thats why the coding is php :)

Member Avatar for diafol

Doh! Apologies GP, when I saw VB I assumed that you were referring to visual basic and went ahead to post some php anyway. My last post seems to have been slashed - I can't remember if I did this myself or not. Too much Double Dragon again.
The images - are you talking about the avatar or the images in the posts??

If the posts - just change the bbcode for the IMG tag:

<div align="center"><img src="text" /></div>

If the avatar, then find the CSS file responsible for positions. Unfortunately if the avatar doesn't have a containing block element like a div, centering the image via css is difficult. However, I think the avatar is contained in a td (table cell) element. You can apply an inline html "align=center" attribute to that element. OR if the cell has a classname, set the text-align attribute to 'center' in the CSS file.

Don't know if that's what you wanted.

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