Hey Computer SCI Gal, Ma name is "Shame" and am in need of yo help! I 've been trying to write a PHP code that sends form data to any email (gmail, yahoo etc). So far, I've failed. If you can help me, Pliz be my guest and savior !!

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Use the PHP mail() function.

Syntax reference and examples can be found here on php.net

Do you wan't to mass mail, or just a single email?

Try this.. coz i've done thin in my project..
it works for me..

$to = "user@gmail.com";
	$sub = "Confirm Mail From LeLys";
	$header = "from: adminName<support@Domain.org>";
	$message = "confirm link \r\n";
	$message.= "click to activete your account";
	$message.= "http://www.domain.org/confirmation.php?key=$ccode";
	$sending = mail($to,$sub,$message,$header);
			echo ("email comfirm");
			echo("email not sent");

Try this.. coz i've done thin in my project..
it works for me..

$to = "user@gmail.com";
	$sub = "Confirm Mail From LeLys";
	$header = "from: adminName<support@Domain.org>";
	$message = "confirm link \r\n";
	$message.= "click to activete your account";
	$message.= "http://www.domain.org/confirmation.php?key=$ccode";
	$sending = mail($to,$sub,$message,$header);
			echo ("email comfirm");
			echo("email not sent");


Plz send mail attachment code....i am fully confused with attachment code...

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