i am new in Jsp please tell me how to connect MySql to JSP ?

Go to the JSP forum. On top of that there is a link with useful example

Step 1:- (a)Download mysql-connector-java3.1.11-bin.jar or any other updated version. (b) include this in libraries via Project properties->libraries
Step 2:- In MySql, create db with db1(for example), remember userName and pwd and remember it.
Step 3:- Use this code in dao class which will communicate with jsp while storing data
private static Connection con = null;
Class.forName( "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://ipaddress/DB1", user, password);

Step 4: Do connection to database from servlet and not from Java Server Page

Optional Step: If you care to learn something you better to check out post on the top of the JSP section which gives example with description how to tackle this problem for start

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