hi everyone

I'm really just looking for some help to get started really. I've done a postgrad in web design and multimedia however have had no luck getting relevant work yet. I've designed a small demo site which I've uploaded onto some free webspace however I want to expand my portfolio and skills.

Ideally I want to have a site that has elemenets of flash, silverlight, javascript amongst others but first things first.

can anyone suggest places I could look for web space and hosting? I dont know anything about hosting so would I also need to purchase that to upload any site I created?

I also would like to have a back-end database in my website and using VB.NET. I created a site with a database as part of my uni work using Visual Studio and VB.NET, however as I am not that experienced in putting things together could I use visual studio to create the part of my site with the database? I'm not sure where it all fits in yet.

Basically any advice anyone can give about the vb.net side of things would be gratefully appareciated in addition to hosting. I'll no doubt ask more questions when I think of them.

Thanks for reading

Hosting wise you could try infosaic.com they do reasonable .NET hosting and you get a sql express database with the hosting package. You also get a domain name with the package too. For more robust but more expensive try DiscountASP.net.

In reality while a good example website could get you work, you are far more likely to get work by applying for jobs! I would spend time on your Resume and write one which is specific to each job that you apply for. There are hundreds of websites for jobs too, so get your details up there and keep applying. In my experience it takes time to get your resume to the top of the HR consultants desk so I would budget for 2 to 3 months before you start getting calls.

In the meantime, why not just try and get an internship somewhere. Or even off er a website to family or friends with businesses provided you can advertise your website there.

Thats all I have got, chin up and keep on at it!

Hosting wise you could try infosaic.com they do reasonable .NET hosting and you get a sql express database with the hosting package. You also get a domain name with the package too. For more robust but more expensive try DiscountASP.net.

In reality while a good example website could get you work, you are far more likely to get work by applying for jobs! I would spend time on your Resume and write one which is specific to each job that you apply for. There are hundreds of websites for jobs too, so get your details up there and keep applying. In my experience it takes time to get your resume to the top of the HR consultants desk so I would budget for 2 to 3 months before you start getting calls.

In the meantime, why not just try and get an internship somewhere. Or even off er a website to family or friends with businesses provided you can advertise your website there.

Thats all I have got, chin up and keep on at it!

thanks for replying! sorry this is going to be another daft question but would a site that involves asp.net and vb.net have to be created entirely using this?

Well I have been applying for jobs and meant to be working on a site for a local drama group voluntarily for more experience but despite repeated emails noone gets back to me from the group. im also working on gathering content for a site again on a voluntary basis.

I'm working at the moment but unrelated to web design. all the jobs I've seen really for web related work all need experience. I'm thinking the more I can get in a portfolio to demonstrate my abilities the better really, while still looking for web work

cheers for the answer! :)

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