and how do i achieve the whole edit the post without reloading the page?

It's called AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML). Try AJAX libraries like

i know but how do i do it?

the javascript calls the php script on the server and writes the returned html into the same div p or other tag that the original was written
The JQuery library has good instructions and basic tutorials

that link is bad. no text. anyways how do i do it?

that link is bad. no text. anyways how do i do it?

Neither of those links are bad, read them.

no i did i dont understand what to look for

no i did i dont understand what to look for

Thinks you can do to try and help yourself:

  • Search the Daniweb forums for the 8000 other posts asking what AJAX is
  • Google for "AJAX"
  • Google for "AJAX tutorial"
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