hi friends
i am making a website depend on review on tourism places, but in it some weather data is needed according monthly for e.g.
see this link
Weather Link in this u see there is a chart of avg. weather conditon of london city. i want show these data in website using php. is any api or else data is available for it, or we need to submit data manually. i think manual work for this is too lengthy

please suggest


whats you did to get that done

whats you did to get that done

i just want the show same things avg weathor condition in different months of max. possible cities of world

thakns for reply

If the data is coming form some api or some db then you can still modify the php the way you want to show it in the borwser.
But if we can help you i better way if you can post some of your code here, as currently the prolem seems to be somewhat vague.

hi friend
i want to talk with you just on the topichttp://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1008966.html

actually i am going to make clon of this site. so i wnat to know that how can get these data, is it is available or not over internet

well I am not sure about this, if its available online.
But seems to me that its been coded with some live data coming to php from some api.
Just search for the 'Api for live weather data' etc on the google

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