I have the following update code but i keep getting a syntax error.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE order_id='105'' at line 21

mysql_query("UPDATE status SET
			id = '". $_POST['id'] ."',
			user_name = '". $_POST['user_name'] ."',
			to_serve_on = '". $_POST['to_serve_on'] ."',
			pri_address = '". $_POST['pri_address'] ."',
			sec_address = '". $_POST['sec_address'] ."',
			alt_address = '". $_POST['alt_address'] ."',
			home_tel = '". $_POST['home_tel'] ."',
			work_tel = '". $_POST['work_tel'] ."',
			cell_tel = '". $_POST['cell_tel'] ."',
			type_of_serve = '". $_POST['type_of_serve'] ."',
			doc_arrival = '". $_POST['doc_arrival'] ."',
			date_received = '". $_POST['date_received'] ."',
			court_name = '". $_POST['court_name'] ."',
			court_address = '". $_POST['court_address'] ."',
			case_number = '". $_POST['case_number'] ."',
			plaintiff = '". $_POST['plaintiff'] ."',
			defendant = '". $_POST['defendant'] ."',
			doc_order_notes = '". $_POST['doc_order_notes'] ."',
			progress = '". $_POST['progress'] ."',
			 WHERE order_id='". $_POST['order_id'] ."'") or die(mysql_error());

Couple of things.

1. Why are you sending unchecked POST values to the database? That is just asking for trouble. Look at SQL injection.
Make sure that the values you receive are the ones you expected, that numbers are numbers etc...

2. Try running the query without single quotes on the numeric value.

Hi xan we had sql injection in but we had simplified the query just to get it going first. Thanks i will look into you suggestion.

You have an extra , right before the WHERE

commented: Nice spot there :) +2

You have an extra , right before the WHERE

Good point, missed that one :$

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