Hi! I searched but no luck :S

anyone can help me..

i want to fill a table with 3 collumns and n Row's, with all my database latitude and longitude parameters and date from when it happen...

i think i need to make it with a for .. but i don't really know..

if someone could help...

i wanted something like this image : http://i.imagehost.org/0829/filltable.jpg

I think its easy code.. so please help me.. i really appreciate..

thank you all

Use a while statement, like:

$query = mysql_query(query here...);

while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc( $query )) {
  echo "<tr><td>{$result['column_title']}</td></tr>"

That will output one line for each record retreived. Adjust the echo to your needs obviously

thanks a lot xan! solved ;)

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