I have created a website using dreamweaver. I am very new to all of this and have kind of been learning along the way. At any rate, I CANNOT get the booking request form to submit the gathered info to my email. I do not like the mailto: option because I don't like how it posts to an email and the sender has to actually press send (also it reveals my email address to spammers and such). Could someone PLEASE help me, I have been trying to get this to work for a couple of days now...here is the website: www.apomanagement.com and here are the codes that I am using.
this is the request form:

<!-- start header -->
<div id="header">
	<div id="logo">
		<h1><a href="#"><span>A.P.O </span>Management</a></h1>
	<div id="menu">
		<ul id="main">
			<li><a href="homepage.html">Main Page</a><a href="aboutus.html">About A.P.O</a></li>
			<li><a href="artists.html">Artists</a><a href="mixes.html">Mixes</a></li>
			<li class="current_page_item"><a href="requests.html">Booking Requests</a></li>
			<li><a href="contactus.html">Contact Us</a></li>
		<ul id="feed">
<!-- end header -->
<div id="wrapper">
	<!-- start page -->
	<div id="page">
	  <!-- start content -->
	  <form method="post" action="contact.php">
	    <div class="floatRight width73">
	      <h1>Booking Request Form <span class="dark"></span>:</h1>
	      <p> To help us better assist you, please fill out the following form located below. Make sure that you fill in as much information as possible. </p>
	      <p>One of our Artist Representatives will  contact with you within 24 hours of receiving your request.</p>
	      <p><strong>General Information </strong></p>
	        <label>Date of Event:</label>
	          <select name="eventmonth" id="eventmonth">
	            <select name="eventday"id="eventday">
                <select name="eventyear" id="eventyear">
              <br />
	          <br />
	          Proposed set time:</label>
	        <input name="startsettime" type="text" class="width75" id="startsettime" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'other');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'other');" value="" size="6"/>
	          <input type="checkbox" name="am" value="checkbox" id="am" />
	          <input type="checkbox" name="pm" value="checkbox" id="pm" />
	        <input name="endsettime" type="text" class="width75" id="endsettime" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'other');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'other');" value="" size="6"/>
	        <input type="checkbox" name="am1" value="checkbox" id="am1" />
	        <input type="checkbox" name="pm1" value="checkbox" id="pm1" />
	        pm<br />
	        <label>Artist you are interested in booking:</label>
	        <select name="selectartist">
	          <option value="Select an Artist">Select an Artist</option>
	          <option value="Oliver Moldan">Oliver Moldan</option>
	          <option value="Betty Bizzare">Betty Bizzare</option>
	          <option value="Mark Holmes">Mark Holmes</option>
	      <p><strong>Your Information </strong>:</p>
	        <label>First Name:</label>
	        <input name="firstname" type="text" class="width75" id="firstname" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'firstName');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'firstName');" value=""/>
	        <label> Last Name:</label>
	        <input name="lastname" type="text" class="width75" id="lastname" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'lastName');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'lastName');" value=""/>
	        <label>E-mail Address:</label>
	        <input name="youremail" type="text" class="width75" id="youremail" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'youremail');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'youremail');" value="*must be valid*"/>
	        <label>Company Name:</label>
	        <input name="company" type="text" class="width75" id="company" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'company');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'company');" value=""/>
	        <input name="streetaddress" type="text" class="width75" id="streetaddress" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'streetaddress');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'streetaddress');" value=""/>
	        <input name="city" type="text" class="width75" id="city" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'city');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'city');" value=""/>
	        <input name="stateprovince" type="text" class="width75" id="stateprovince" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'stateprovince');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'stateprovince');" value="" size="10" maxlength="30"/>
	        <input name="country" type="text" class="width75" id="country" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'country');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'country');" value=""/>
	        <label>Postal Code:</label>
	        <input name="postalcode" type="text" class="width75" id="postalcode" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'postalcode');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'postalcode');" value=""/>
	        <label>Company Website:</label>
	        <input type="text" name="companywebsite" value="" class="width75" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'companywebsite');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'companywebsite');"/>
	        <label>Cellular Telephone #:</label>
	        <input name="cellulartelephone" type="text" class="width75" id="cellulartelephone" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'cellulartelephone');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'cellulartelephone');" value="no dashes please"/>
	        <label>Business Telephone #:</label>
	        <input name="businesstelephone" type="text" class="width75" id="businesstelephone" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'businesstelephone');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'businesstelephone');" value="no dashes please"/>
	        <label>Business Fax #:</label>
	        <input name="businessfax" type="text" class="width75" id="businessfax" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'businessfax');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'businessfax');" value="no dashes please"/>
	      <p>&nbsp; </p>
	      <p><strong>Venue Information </strong>:</p>
	        <label>Proposed Venue Name:</label>
	        <input name="venuename" type="text" class="width75" id="venuename" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuename');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuename');" value=""/>
	        <label>Venue Capacity:</label>
	        <input name="venuecapacity" type="text" class="width75" id="venuecapacity" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuecapacity');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuecapacity');" value="" size="7"/>
	        <label>Age Restrictions:</label>
	        <select name="agerestrictions" >
	          <option value="Please Select">Please Select </option>
	          <option value="All Ages">All Ages</option>
	          <option value="18+">18+</option>
	          <option value="21+">21+</option>
	          <option value="Other">Other</option>
	        <label> **If other please explain:</label>
	        <input name="other" type="text" class="width75" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'other');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'other');" value="" size="20" maxlength="30"/>
	        <label>Address of Venue:</label>
	        <input name="venuestreetaddress" type="text" class="width75" id="venuestreetaddress" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuestreetaddress');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuestreetaddress');" value=""/>
	        <input name="venuecity" type="text" class="width75" id="venuecity" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuecity');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuecity');" value=""/>
	        <input name="venuestateprovince" type="text" class="width75" id="venuestateprovince" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuestateprovince');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuestateprovince');" value="" size="10" maxlength="40"/>
	          <input name="venuecountry" type="text" class="width75" id="venuecountry" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuecountry');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuecountry');" value="" size="15" maxlength="40"/>
	          Postal Code:</label>
	        <input name="venuepostalcode" type="text" class="width75" id="venuepostalcode" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuepostalcode');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuepostalcode');" value="" size="10"/>
	        <label>Venue Telephone #:</label>
	        <input name="venuetelephone" type="text" class="width75" id="venuetelephone" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuetelephone');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuetelephone');" value="no dashes please"/>
	        <label>Venue Fax #:</label>
	        <input name="venuefax" type="text" class="width75" id="venuefax" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuefax');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuefax');" value="no dashes please"/>
	        <label>Venue Website:</label>
	        <input type="text" name="venuewebsite" value="" class="width75" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuewebsite');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuewebsite');"/>
	        <label>Venue Contact First Name:</label>
	        <input name="venuecontactfirstname" type="text" class="width75" id="venuecontactfirstname" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuecontactfirstname');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuecontactfirstname');" value=""/>
	        <label>Last Name:</label>
	        <input name="venuecontactlastname" type="text" class="width75" id="venuecontactlastname" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuecontactlastname');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuecontactlastname');" value=""/>
	        <label>Contact #:</label>
	        <input name="venuecontactphone" type="text" class="width75" id="venuecontactphone" onfocus="clearValue(this, 'venuecontactphone');" onblur="fillValue(this, 'venuecontactphone');" value=""/>
	          <input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Submit" />
	    <br />
	  <!-- end content -->
		<!-- start sidebars -->
		<!-- end sidebars -->
	  <div style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</div>
	<!-- end page -->
<div id="footer">
  <p class="copyright">&copy;&nbsp;&nbsp;2009 All Rights Reserved &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; Designed by A.P.O Graphix</p>

and the following is the code I am trying to use to send the above info to my email.....

[<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

$to = "n_hernandez@apomnanagement.com";
$subject = "Booking Request Form";
$email = $_REQUEST['email'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['eventmonth'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['eventday'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['eventyear'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['startsettime'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['am'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['pm'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['endsettime'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['am'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['pm'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['selectartist'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['firstname'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['lastname'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['youremail'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['company'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['streetaddress'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['city'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['stateprovince'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['country'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['postalcode'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['companywebsite'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['cellulartelephone'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['businesstelephone'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['businessfax'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuename'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuecapacity'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['agerestrictions'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['other'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuestreetaddress'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuecity'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuestateprovince'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuecountry'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuepostalcode'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuetelephone'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuefax'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuewebsite'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuecontactfirstname'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['venuecontactlastname'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['vvenuecontactphone'] ;
$headers = "From: $email";
$sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ;
{print "Your Messege has been sent"; }
{print "We encountered an error sending your mail"; }
<p>&nbsp; </p>

I would like to have the visitors be redirected to www.apomanagement.com/thankyou.html after they have submitted their form.
If anyone could help I would be greatful

Your email field is called 'youremail' and you were trying to request 'email' also you need to uer headers for email. You will want to look into formatting your email otherwise it will come out in one long line
the simplest way will be to add an

$message .="<br>";

where you need a line break, it will make reading the email much easier.

anyway here is your modified php code

$to = "n_hernandez@apomnanagement.com";
$subject = "Booking Request Form";
$email = $_REQUEST['youremail'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['eventmonth'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['eventday'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['eventyear'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['startsettime'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['am'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['pm'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['endsettime'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['am'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['pm'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['selectartist'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['firstname'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['lastname'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['youremail'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['company'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['streetaddress'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['city'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['stateprovince'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['country'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['postalcode'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['companywebsite'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['cellulartelephone'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['businesstelephone'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['businessfax'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuename'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuecapacity'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['agerestrictions'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['other'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuestreetaddress'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuecity'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuestateprovince'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuecountry'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuepostalcode'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuetelephone'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuefax'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuewebsite'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuecontactfirstname'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['venuecontactlastname'] ;
$message .= $_REQUEST['vvenuecontactphone'] ;
$headers = "From: $email\n"; 
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; 
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/HTML; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"; 

$sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ;
{header ("Location: http://www.apomanagement.com/thankyou.html"); }
{print "We encountered an error sending your mail"; }

emhmk1 I changed code to what you gave me and I am coming up with an error code...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/apomtcom/public_html/contact.php on line 13
I did change a couple of my own misspellings i.e my email is n_hernandez@apomanagement.com and there is only one "v" in the last requested $message. Other than that I changed nothing...this is more complicated than I thought... LOL

I ran the entire html and php that you enclosed and it is working fine for me, granted on your site you are getting the variable error however the full working version i was testing is here


Check your inbox to see if you get an email after filling in the form, there may be something else conflicting on your page that hasn't been posted.


So ok, the code you gave me worked.... It was something wrong on my side... Anyways, it sends to email... PS. I put the breaks in like you said and, yeah, the email IS A LOT EASIER TO READ! Now I am getting an error on line 109 (got thru almost whole doc with no errors!) this is what I am getting:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/apomtcom/public_html/contact.php:10) in /home/apomtcom/public_html/contact.php on line 109

and here is the revised contact.php I am using:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

   $message .="<br>";
      $to = "n_hernandez@apomanagement.com";
   $message .="<br>"; 
      $subject = "Booking Request Form";
   $message .="<br>";
      $email = $_REQUEST['youremail'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message = $_REQUEST['eventmonth'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['eventday'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['eventyear'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['startsettime'] ;
   $message .="<br>"; 
      $message .= $_REQUEST['am'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['pm'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['endsettime'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['am'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
       $message .= $_REQUEST['pm'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['selectartist'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['firstname'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['lastname'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['youremail'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['company'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['streetaddress'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['city'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['stateprovince'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['country'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['postalcode'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['companywebsite'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['cellulartelephone'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['businesstelephone'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['businessfax'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuename'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuecapacity'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['agerestrictions'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['other'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuestreetaddress'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuecity'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuestateprovince'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuecountry'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuepostalcode'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuetelephone'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuefax'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuewebsite'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuecontactfirstname'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuecontactlastname'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $message .= $_REQUEST['venuecontactphone'] ;
   $message .="<br>";
      $headers = "From: $email\n";
   $message .="<br>";
      $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
   $message .="<br>";
      $headers .= "Content-Type: text/HTML; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"; 
      $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ;
      {header ("Location: http://www.apomanagement.com/thankyou.html"); }

      {print "We encountered an error sending your mail"; }

I included everything on the ENTIRE page of the contact.php doc. I figure this way you would be able to hopefully tell me where my problem is and wth I am doing wrong.

P.S I thank you so much for all of your help!

I figured it out...
So what I was trying to do was re-direct to an html "thank you" page.
It keeps giving me errors so..... I went around it.
What I did what write what I wanted to write INSIDE the contact.php doc it's self and created a link to return to our home page and just named the contact.php - thankyou.php
I figured this would work perfectly until I can figure out the re-direct thing and why I am receiving an error for headers.
If poss. to still fix I am open for the solution.
www.apomanagement.com (check it out!)

Use this function of mine.


dd_SendUserHTMLMail ($email, ...your parameters, and arguments here...);

function dd_SendUserHTMLMail($email, ...your parameters, and arguments here...) {

		$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
		$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
	    $headers .= "From: friend <yourmail@.com>\r\n";
	    $headers .= 'Bcc: your@email.com' . "\r\n";

	  $subject = "BOOKING";

$message = <<<EOT
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.6000.16705" name=GENERATOR>

<BODY leftmargin="10" rightmargin="10">

put all your HTML here including all your variables, parameters and arguments here.


      return mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers);
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