pls help me, i am new to what is the easiest way of starting?i need to design a website using

Websites are great to help as you progress but I don't think you can beat a good book which you can have sit next to you and start with some of the basic exercises.

Also when you have a bit of downtime just reading through some parts can be really helpful for when you go back to the computer.

I started ASP.Net in this way, chose to program in C# but VB.Net is also an option.

This is the book I started with and it served me well. There are plenty out there, read some reviews, find a good one and just start with some basic sites to get going.

When you get stuck forums and google are a god send :)

Good luck.


the book ASP.NET 3.5 Step by Step (Microsoft Press) is very good for beginners. Would recommend buying it.

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