I successfully scripted an fetch array while loop on a table called example.

What's the name of the function that will return the name of the array that was created by the fetch array while loop?

What's the name of the function that will turn the number of rows in an array?


$res = mysql_query("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM mytable");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
    echo "My First Name: ".{$row['firstname']};
    echo "My Last Name: ".{$row['lastname']};

modify it and test and see :)

Thank-you very much to ShawnCplus and evstevemd. You've improved my thinking and been of great assistance.

Until Later,


Thank-you very much to ShawnCplus and evstevemd. You've improved my thinking and been of great assistance.

Until Later,


I'm glad I'm of help :)
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