hi all, i am new to php. i want know about how to import contacts from yahoomail,gmail, orkut, facebook, xing,..........like. if anybody know about these. help me. share with me. ........

hi all, i am new to php. i want know about how to import contacts from yahoomail,gmail, orkut, facebook, xing,..........like. if anybody know about these. help me. share with me. ........

you need some external script like this

you need some external script like this

i tried download sript. but they need some external plugins . is there any orhterway ........

i tried download sript. but they need some external plugins . is there any orhterway ........

try this, most of the script i found were not freeware though

$dir = 'csvUpload';
$dp = opendir($dir) or die ('Fatal Error: ');
while ($file = readdir($dp)) {
if ((eregi('.csv',$file)) && (filemtime($dir."/".$file)) <
(strtotime('yesterday'))) {
			//(filemtime($dir."/".$file))." ".strtotime("yesterday")."<br>";

getting error like

Warning: opendir(csvUpload) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\wamp\www\grabber\grabber\index.php on line 28
Fatal Error:

try this, most of the script i found were not freeware though

i excuted one script. i got

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in C:\wamp\www\exampls\import\gmail.demo.09.29.2009\scripts\gmail.php on line 35

these error what is it.

you need some external script like this

i download script from above link and i am trying excute but i am geting

Warning: opendir(csvUpload) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\wamp\www\exampls\contactgrabber_0.3\index.php on line 28
Fatal Error:

these error . in downloaded there is no csvUpload floder.

there's nothing as such to handle, if there is no such folder, instead you can handle it or just use the die()

Hello, there

You need external script for grabbing contact . i sending you one site please download script form it and do modification as per required.

If any issues you have during customisation let me know because i already used this script and its work fine foe me.

link : http://openinviter.com/

Best luck !!!

hi all, i am new to php. i want know about how to import contacts from yahoomail,gmail, orkut, facebook, xing,..........like. if anybody know about these. help me. share with me. ........

chk this: http://openinviter.com/index.php

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Using Json you can refer all the friends and online members of facebook. for more details you can check with facebook developer wiki and guides.

i searched a script for facebook friends display in my webpage with photos? you have any idea about that?

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