Hi -

I have a css drop down menu that hides behind a javascript photo gallery (in the main area of the page) in IE7. Not quite sure what to make of it. Any and all help is appreciated!!


Hmm...this is one of those ones where it may help to see the code. And what does it do in other browsers, including IE8?

However, just a few things you should check before posting the code, which may highlight the problem.

If it's only happening in IE7, do you have any css for IE7 only? If so, you may have set a z-index on the menu or javascript element which needs to be tweaked.

Also, other browsers tend to let you get anyway with accidental missing close tags, while IE7 will mess up. Best to double check there's nothing missing. And nothing against your coding skills btw, it's my most common mistake and the only reason I even mention it.

Also, with CSS drop-down menus, you often have to include random table tags to accommodate IE's weirdness. Have a look at the code on CSS Menus and maybe that'll solve your issues.

Hope this helps you out antr25
P.S. Welcome to Daniweb =D

Hmm...this is one of those ones where it may help to see the code. And what does it do in other browsers, including IE8?

However, just a few things you should check before posting the code, which may highlight the problem.

If it's only happening in IE7, do you have any css for IE7 only? If so, you may have set a z-index on the menu or javascript element which needs to be tweaked.

Also, other browsers tend to let you get anyway with accidental missing close tags, while IE7 will mess up. Best to double check there's nothing missing. And nothing against your coding skills btw, it's my most common mistake and the only reason I even mention it.

Also, with CSS drop-down menus, you often have to include random table tags to accommodate IE's weirdness. Have a look at the code on CSS Menus and maybe that'll solve your issues.

Hope this helps you out antr25
P.S. Welcome to Daniweb =D

Thanks for the reply and the welcome!

Oddly enough i have used this type menu before on another site and it worked fine in IE7 (it works in IE8, FF Safari ..etc) . But on this new site it looks like the problem is that its conflicting with this Jquery component i am using. The components name is "galleria" and its (much like its name says) a photo gallery.

I will take a look to see if its a missed <TD> tag or something. Any other help/ideas/anything are greatly appreciated. If you would like a link to check it out i can add it.

Yes please, that'd be great. Sometimes it can be hard visualising what the problem is from a description, however good. Maybe seeing where the problem is occurring will clear things one. Thanks.

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