Hi. I am new to this site so I hope you will all be able to help me with my problem. I am just starting to learn JavaScript so any help/feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I have to make a form that if you put a temperature in a textbox (either Celsius or Fahrenheit) and you click on a button (To Celsius or To Fahrenheit) it will convert it to the corresponding temperature which will appear in another textbox.

I have gotten this far but am getting a NaN value in the coverted temperature

I have been trying to work this out for over a week so any help would be really appreciated.

My code is:


<!-- used to calculate the temperature conversion from Celcius to Farenheit and Farenheit to Celcius

		function celcius()
			document.getElementById("answers").value = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value) + Math.round(100/(212-32) * (this.value - 32 ));

		function farenheit()
			document.getElementById("answers").value = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value) + Math.round((212-32)/100 * this.value + 32);
<h1>Temperature Conversion Tool</h1>
<h3>Enter a value into the first box below, then click on what it is to be converted to
<form name="temperature">
&nbsp;<input id="input" value="0" type="text"> 
&nbsp;<input id="answers" value="0" type="text">
<input value="To Celcius" onClick="celcius() " type="button">
<input value="To Farenheit" onClick="farenheit()
" type="button">
<input name="reset" value="Reset" type="reset"><br>

Change the script to this :

function celcius()
var inp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value);
document.getElementById("answers").value = inp + Math.round(100/(212-32) * (inp - 32 ));

function farenheit()
var inp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value);
document.getElementById("answers").value = inp + Math.round((212-32)/100 * (inp + 32));

Change the script to this :

function celcius()
var inp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value);
document.getElementById("answers").value = inp + Math.round(100/(212-32) * (inp - 32 ));

function farenheit()
var inp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value);
document.getElementById("answers").value = inp + Math.round((212-32)/100 * (inp + 32));

Thank you so much for the help. It works beautifully. No more NaN error.
I think I may have the wrong formula now as I get the wrong converted numbers. 86 farenheit = 30 celcius but my conversion comes up with 116.

i think it is ....

function celcius()
var inp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value);
document.getElementById("answers").value = 5/9 * (inp - 32) ;

function farenheit()
var inp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("input").value);
document.getElementById("answers").value = Math.round(9/5 * inp) + 32;

Yes that's it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Thank you so much vasanth19 for all your help. One problem solved and now onto the next one.

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