Haven't posted before... but find this site a good info resource... but I'm pulling my hair out with my php register code - don't know what I'm doing wrong... as the code i've written doesn't send on the site i'm working on...

Here's the code


if(!$_POST) exit;

$email = $_POST['email'];

//$error[] = preg_match('/\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i', $_POST['email']) ? '' : 'INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS';
if(!eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_\\.-][a-z0-9]+)*" ."@"."([a-z0-9]+([\.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+"."\\.[a-z]{2,}"."$",$email )){
	$error.="Invalid email address entered";
if($errors==1) echo $error;
	$values = array ('name','email','university','course','message');
	$required = array ('name','email','university','course','message');	 
	$your_email = "miguel@test.co.uk";
	$email_subject = "Web Registration: ".$_POST['subject'];
	$email_content = "New Registration:\n";
	foreach($values as $key => $value){
		if ($key != 'subject' && $key != 'company') {
		  if( empty($_POST[$value]) ) { echo 'PLEASE FILL IN REQUIRED FIELDS'; exit; }
		$email_content .= $value.': '.$_POST[$value]."\n";
	if(@mail($your_email,$email_subject,$email_content)) {
		echo 'Message sent!'; 
	} else {
		echo 'ERROR!';

I keep getting the message "PLEASE FILL IN REQUIRED FIELDS" But all the five fields have been filled in correctly.

When I amend the line

$values = array ('name','email','university','course','message');
	$required = array ('name','email','university','course','message');

to be

$values = array ('name','email','message');
	$required = array ('name','email','message');

It sends fine... but I'm missing the content from the 'University' and 'Course' fields....

Can anyone advise what the devil I'm doing wrong....

Many thanks


This code is wrong:

if ($key != 'subject' && $key != 'company') {
  if( empty($_POST[$value]) ) { echo 'PLEASE FILL IN REQUIRED FIELDS'; exit; }

because $key will be an integer (so it will always evaluate to true), but that wouldn't explain your problem. Do you perhaps have a typo in your form ? It would be helpful if you could post that html too.

This code is wrong:

if ($key != 'subject' && $key != 'company') {
  if( empty($_POST[$value]) ) { echo 'PLEASE FILL IN REQUIRED FIELDS'; exit; }

because $key will be an integer (so it will always evaluate to true), but that wouldn't explain your problem. Do you perhaps have a typo in your form ? It would be helpful if you could post that html too.

Hi Pritaeas,

Thanks for replying to my post...

This is the code from the register.html that goes with the register.php file

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
		var action = $(this).attr('action');
		$.post(action, { 
			name: $('#name').val(),
			email: $('#email').val(),
			company: $('#university').val(),
			subject: $('#course').val(),
			message: $('#message').val()
				$('#contactform #submit').attr('disabled','');
				$('#contactform').before('<p class="response">'+data+'</p>');
				if(data=='Message sent!') $('#contactform').slideUp();
		return false;
// ]]>
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      <form action="register.php" method="post" id="contactform">
                <label for="name">First Name*</label>
                <input id="name" name="name" class="text" />
                <label for="email">Your email*</label>
                <input id="email" name="email" class="text" />
                <label for="university">University*</label>
                <input id="university" name="university" class="text" />
                <label for="course">Course*</label>
                <input id="course" name="course" class="text" />
                <label for="message">Message*</label>
                <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="6" cols="50"></textarea>
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I've checked through my code and can't find anything that screams 'its wrong' but then I'm not a total coder... still learning a lot here...

ANy help/advice is greatly appreciated....


Try this

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
	var n = $("#name").val();
	var e = $('#email').val();
	var u = $("#university").val();
	var c = $("#course").val();
	var m = $("#message").val();
	var dataString = 'name=' + n +'&email=' + e + '&university=' + u + '&course=' + c + '&message=' + m;
	if(n=="" || e == "" || u=="" || c == "" || m == ""){
		alert("Fill out All fields with ( * ) Sign..!!");
		type: "POST",
		url: "./register.php",
		data: dataString,
		cache: false,
		success: function(html){
		 alert("Registration Completed");
	}return false;

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      <form action="register.php" method="post" id="contactform">
                <label for="name">First Name*</label>
                <input id="name" name="name" class="text" />
                <label for="email">Your email*</label>
                <input id="email" name="email" class="text" />
                <label for="university">University*</label>
                <input id="university" name="university" class="text" />
                <label for="course">Course*</label>
                <input id="course" name="course" class="text" />
                <label for="message">Message*</label>
                <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="6" cols="50"></textarea>
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shishtawitch thanks!!! It worked... ok, you'll probably guess that I'm a complete novice with code... quick Q. How do I get the page to return to the site home page ?? after the 'message sent' message has appeared....

Thanks in advance

Ah, nevermind. My apologies.

No. The $key in this case will contain the array index.
PHP assumes

$values = array ('name','email','university','course','message');

to be this:

$values = array (0 => 'name', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'university', 3 => 'course', 4 => 'message');

So $key would be 0 and $value would be 'name' and so on.

commented: Yep, Thats right. I realised it a little late :) +5

you need to add the following code after

alert("Registration Completed");

so add

window.location = 'http://www.yoursite.com';
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