I have followed the online tutorials for setting up your first php project using netbeans ide 6.5 mi. my project - NewPHPProject tree appears in the Projects window but i cant see the project's index.php file. What could be wrong?

NewPHPProject tree
source Files
NewPHPProject tree

That is the project tree that i see.

I use Netbeans 6.7.1

verify outside of netbeans that the file does exist. Do this with a console window or your OS's file explorer.

Once you verified that it's there, load up netbeans. Your "sources" tree folder is the root of the directory you told netbeans your source is in. If you are sure that the file exists, and you don't see it, delete the project from within netbeans and recreate the project. make sure you specify the correct directory where the root of yoursource files are

From my understanding the document root is where the web server looks for files to open in the browser. I use the Wampserver. Is it true that this is my document root
This is my first time to use netbeans so don’t mind my questions even if they sound stupid. But how do you verify that the index.php file exist using the console or OS windows explorer?
What address should be in the “Project Folder”? Is it the same as the “sources Folder”?

Just for clarity. In the name and location panel i can see the project File and the Source File. What address should the project file reference? Is it the same as the source file?

did you tell NetBeans to create that file for you while creating new project? Yes Check for existence of that file. But adding file and naming it index.php will do the job!

Netbeans... It may be good for Java but I wouldn't recommend using Netbeans for php unless you find php terribly hard. Instead use a php text editor (Not IDE) and things will be a lot simpler as php has a great debugging system as it is.

I have followed the online tutorials for setting up your first php project using netbeans ide 6.5 mi. my project - NewPHPProject tree appears in the Projects window but i cant see the project's index.php file. What could be wrong?

NewPHPProject tree
source Files
NewPHPProject tree

That is the project tree that i see.

Netbeans... It may be good for Java but I wouldn't recommend using Netbeans for php unless you find php terribly hard. Instead use a php text editor (Not IDE) and things will be a lot simpler as php has a great debugging system as it is.

Have you checked aptana studio? It is great!
I agree with you on not using IDE, but I will add if you are dealing with small project. For big projects, IDE is unavoidable or it will cause many unnecessary headaches. Be careful in choosing IDE though ;)

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