Hi Guys,

This isn't really the right place to post this, but there doesn't seem to be a right place, so here it goes!

I'm running a bunch of subversion repositories (one repository per project) over http (using apache).

One of the repositories is a shared_classes repository that stores shared scripts including a db_class and a db_connect.

In essence, the db_class requires the db_connect and the db_connect creates the connection based on a flag it is passed. I am trying to secure the db_connect file (because it has a DB password in it) and it doesn't seem to want to work.

I'm using mod_authz_svn and this is the line in my httpd.conf file:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /u0/svn
  Require valid-user
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Atlantic Subversion Repositories"
  AuthUserFile /usr/local/Zend/apache2/conf/svn-auth
  SVNListParentPath On

<Location /svn/shared_classes>
  AuthzSVNAccessFile /usr/local/Zend/apache2/conf/svn-path-auth-shared_classes

And here is my authz file:

dba = <usernames>

* = rw

* =
@dba = rw

When I point my web browser to that repository, it works. I can see all files / dirs except for the db_connect.php script.

When I try to view it in eclipse or tortoiseSVN, I can download and view that file.
Now, here comes the rub.
If (in TortoiseSVN) I try to do a diff of two revisions of that file, or if I try to view annotations, etc, it fails, giving me a permission error.

All of the examples I can find are securing entire directories, but I just need to secure a single file.
Does anyone have any ideas?

does it work from command line?

svn diff filename.php

anything weird in info?

svn info

does your IDE have it checked out via http or native svn?

does it work from command line?

svn diff filename.php

anything weird in info?

svn info

does your IDE have it checked out via http or native svn?

Doing a diff from the command line works (I can see the diff info, even though it's checked out over http).

There's nothing odd in the svn info that I can see.

My IDE is checking out the repository from http. The repositories are on a seperate server which is only accessable through http (I didn't want to mess around with ssh+svn).

hrmm. well sorry then it's beyond me. I don't use TortoiseSVN, and since your CLI works, I'd say it's tortoise. I use Netbeans and command line.

Maybe someone else has some ideas.

hrmm. well sorry then it's beyond me. I don't use TortoiseSVN, and since your CLI works, I'd say it's tortoise. I use Netbeans and command line.

Maybe someone else has some ideas.

subclipse (one of the subversion extensions for Eclipse) is doing the same thing. If I view it from a web-browser the permissions seem to work. It's the weirdest thing.

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