Hello all!

I'm trying to make an IRCbot, but I have an issue I just can't seem to get through.

	class irc
		// server connect
		public $host = "irc.freenode.net";
		public $port = 6665;
		public $channel = "#dinksmallwood";
		// client-side
		public $username = "GlennBOT";
		public $hostname = "ti0184a340-0784.bb.online.no";
		public $server = array();
		public $crap = 0;
		public function __construct()
		public function ircConnect()
			// Connect to IRC server
			$this->server['SOCKET'] = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
			// Needed headers in order to connect, otherwise we recieve error.
			$this->server['HEADERS'] .= "NICK " . $this->username . "\n\r";
			$this->server['HEADERS'] .= "USER " . $this->username . ' ' . $this->hostname . ' ' . $this->host . ' :' . $this->username . "\n\r";
			// Sending headers.
			$this->sendCmd($this->server['HEADERS'], true);
		public function irc_loop()
					$this->server['READ_BUFFER'] = fgets($this->server['SOCKET'], 1024);
					echo "[RECEIVE] ".$this->server['READ_BUFFER']."\n\r";

					if (strpos($this->server['READ_BUFFER'], "376"))
						$this->sendCmd("JOIN ".$this->channel." \n\r", true);
						$this->sendCmd("PRIVMSG ".$this->channel." Hello, I'm a baby \n\r", true);
					if(substr($this->server['READ_BUFFER'], 0, 6) == "PING :") 
						$this->sendCmd("PONG :".substr($this->server['READ_BUFFER'], 6)."\n\r", true);
		public function sendCmd($command, $showConsole = false)
        	@fputs($this->server['SOCKET'], $command, strlen($command));
			if ($showConsole == true)
        		echo "[SEND] ".$command." <br>";

It really does connect and talks on startup, but because this script is stuck in the while(!feof($this->server)) loop, I can't seem to send commands to the server, since it's just checking after new responses from the server all the time.

Could anyone guide me here and tell me how I go about sending commands t the server while still looping and checkingfor server responses?

Thanks in advance!


First I would like to say that if you are only connecting to one server, that a class is completely unnecessary, however since you have a class started, I will try to help you make it work.

One thing that I would do (I know from experience that this makes life easier) is change $this->server['READ_BUFFER'] = fgets($this->server['SOCKET'], 1024); to $this->server['READ_BUFFER'] = explode (" ", trim (fgets($this->server['SOCKET'], 1024))); This allows many tasks to run smoother, especially complicated ones.

If you follow the previous advice, then you can simply check what the message is like this:

switch $this->server["READ_BUFFER"][3] {
  case ":some_command":
    do something;

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, or refer to a simpler structured bot that I made a while back (http://downloads.rbrtdllnbck.com/r-bot-1.0.zip)

Hope I can be of some assistance, especially since PHP IRC bots are what I do most

commented: Thanks for helping, but I don't understand much really by looking your "simple" bot, hehe. I added you to some IM's and hope we can get in touch and solve this issue! +1

Okey, so I sort of understand what you are trying to say, but by using the code you gave me, how will I make the bot join a channel using that code?

OK, this is where a knowledge of the IRC protocol comes in handy. You don't need to know all the bits of it, but it you use what i mentioned, then it is a simple as fputs ( $this->server["SOCKET"], "JOIN " . $this->server["READ_BUFFER"][4] . "\n" ); assuming that it is something like ".join #channel" that you are saying to it (IRC syntax for the join command to the server is "JOIN #channel\n")

Hope this helps answer your question a bit better

OK, this is where a knowledge of the IRC protocol comes in handy. You don't need to know all the bits of it, but it you use what i mentioned, then it is a simple as fputs ( $this->server["SOCKET"], "JOIN " . $this->server["READ_BUFFER"][4] . "\n" ); assuming that it is something like ".join #channel" that you are saying to it (IRC syntax for the join command to the server is "JOIN #channel\n")

Hope this helps answer your question a bit better

Yeah, I understand that now, thank you, but wouldn't this pose a problem in the loop? I mean, it's running an infinite loop because feof returns false and that would make it try to join the channel each time the loop is runned?

no, you set it up so that that command is only issues when the bot receives notification to join a channel

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