I would like to have weather on my website, just current conditions. I have seen some websites that have it on it now. Here is one I like : http://www.accrisoft.com/index.php?submenu=Contact&src=gendocs&link=ContactInformation&category=Contact

Can someone help me out on this?

Thanks alot.


Well, they do there's in some way with PHP. You can go to Weather.com and get a Javascript code block with current conditions, though.

I did look at it but it has the weather.com link on it and logo. I want it not to have this. Have you done a script like this? Anyone.....Help

Yes. I found one but requires a php plugin that my isp will not install. :(

This is it:


Is there a way to run the pear script in my local dir on there server?

Sucks, So I need one now.


Need help

anyone help??

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