in jsp,i created login.jsp. in login.jsp,i created username,password and submit button. my login.jsp goes through database.
i am okie BUT i want validation in login.jsp which goes through database.

You provided poor explanation of problem. In general form validation can be done on client side by use of scripting language such as JavaScript or on server side be servlet. So which way you want to go?

in jsp,i created login.jsp. in login.jsp,i created username,password and submit button. my login.jsp goes through database.
i am okie BUT i want validation in login.jsp which goes through database.

Then create a method that takes as arguments the username and password and checks the database for the validity of these values.

For more information you need to describe what exactly is your problem and where are you having difficulties with. Also you need to provide code with what you have done so far.

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