Been trying to work this out for hours
I have two tables called 'Genres' and 'Films'. Genres contains two columns 'Genre_id' and 'Genre_Name'. Films contains a load of columns, the most important being 'Title', 'Year', Director', 'Genres'. Now im trying to create a page where the user can edit a film in the 'Films' table. I want this form to already be populated with the existing values which the user can then delete and enter new ones. Heres the code:
include 'connect.php';
$FilmID= $_GET['id'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT Films.*, Genres.Genre_id, Genres.Genre_Name FROM Films INNER JOIN Genres ON Films.Genres = Genres.Genre_id WHERE Films.Film_id = $FilmID" ,$linkme) or die ('Error: '.mysql_error ());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$current_Genre = $row['Genre_Name'];
$current_Genre_id = $row['Genre_id'];
<form method="post" action="update2.php?id=<? echo $FilmID ?>">
<td><input name = "Title" value="<? echo $row['Title']; ?>" type="text" /></td>
<td><input name = "Year" value="<? echo $row['Year']; ?>" type="text" /></td>
<td><input name = "Director" value="<? echo $row['Director']; ?>" type="text" /></td>
Genre:</td><td> <select name="Genre">
<option value = "<?php echo $current_Genre_id?>"> <?php echo $current_Genre?> </option>
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Genres",$linkme) or die ('Error: '.mysql_error ());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));
{ ?>
<option value = "<?php echo $row['Genre_id']?>"> <?php echo $row['Genre_Name']?> </option>
<? } ?>
<input name="Update" type="submit" value="Update" />
include 'close.php';
<a href = "../admin.php">Back</a>
There are no errors, the values just dont show up in the form, Where am I going wrong???