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Dear All,

I'm searching a code which allow the user to download directly a file from the php web page. Has anyone knows how to do it? It seems to be a simple coding.


Do you mean like this?

echo '<xmp>'; //show pure html instead of styling
echo file_get_contents('');
echo '</xmp>';
Member Avatar for Dilbert137

Dear Sir,

I have tried your script but i'm getting errors.

[<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in


That means the file does not exist. If you wish not to see the error an alternative would be curl.

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Yes you are right i'm putting the domain name when i was doing test on my pc.

Thanks a lot

Member Avatar for Dilbert137

Thanks very much. It was exactly what i was searching for.

Thanks again

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