Hi People

I would like to know how exactly to setup the links you see below that are attached to the article so send to digg, facebook, etc. Also what is the offical term for these links? special links? special tags? ???

Thanks, Regards X

Ya I looked at that site but how it all works?
Just copy and paste code and BANG all done?
Cant you do this yourself?
If there just links cant be that hard?

Ya I looked at that site but how it all works?

Using the site, you simply click the "Get The Code", and it produces code for you to add to your site. If you want stats from it, you have to register, but I believe registration is free.

Just copy and paste code and BANG all done?

Copy, paste, bang all done... Yep.

Cant you do this yourself?

You could, but considering that it is giving you access to share with over 100 different areas, it would be easier to just use their code.

If there just links cant be that hard?

Let's say that you create a script just like theirs. You re-invent the wheel. Then, three weeks later, digg.com changes how they take a query. How long will your incorrect code sit on your server before you discover that it is broken?

When you opt for a hosted solution, one of the primary benefits is automatic updates. If it breaks at three in the morning, you won't even wake up to fix it. They will.

Now, if you only need Facebook and MySpace, you could make your own bar just to avoid the overkill of the whole application.

"Now, if you only need Facebook and MySpace, you could make your own bar just to avoid the overkill of the whole application. "
Thats pretty much what i want for now
Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google, Linkedin and Dig
Maybe even less but that would most likely be the max plus I like to know how things work.
Is it just a link to the current facebook, etc page?
If I did make it just be a simple a href with a img tag being sent to some www.xxx.com/addsite site?

Anyone because I have been doing it myself?
FOr example facebook is just a simple link to the specified url? then done.
Never simple in terms of ownership and process, the rest like this dig, etc?

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