Split from - http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread62371.html

thanks for the info

i am also facing same issue. Please give me answer.

Thanks in advance

Can I ask which type of application are you working on? (Web/Win).

Can I ask which type of application are you working on? (Web/Win).


In my web application project using silverlight 3.0 and i am creating pdf on the fly in this using pdfSharp libray.and then open that pdf in browser.
That pdf has hyperlink within it to other sites so on click of that hyper link it opens in a same browser.

I want it should open link in a new browser window

Use target attribute of hyperlink.

Use target attribute of hyperlink.


i am creating pdf using pdfsharp library. and inserted hyperlink in pdf using function


so no way to set link attribute target.
so please help me.

I am sorry! I missed that part and IMO, that feature is not implemented by the writer.

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