OK, I've looked at Mambo, PHP Nuke, Post Nuke, Xoops and Xaraya.

I've read up on several others....

Is it me, or is there NO CMS system that lets you just position things where you want them. Everything seems to really on a coloumn based layout.
Whats really got me stuck is that I can't even find one that uses a basic template page for call locations, (as in OS Commerce, it uses Tables, thus you can readily alter whats where,, and utilise a bit of CSS to create a completely different look!)

So.... Ifg I ask really carefully, can you all kindly let me know if you have come across....

* A system that has an administration/update/submission section.
* Something that utilises easily alter template pages.
* A CMS that lets you have fully customised layouts.
* Something that you can just plug in to a pre existing site.

The CMS's I've looked at are grerat, and have brilliant mod's, easy to install etc..... just not what I'm after.
Can't help but wonder IF I'm asking for to much!

Maybve the best approach is to spend several months just playing with php and mysql, so that I can create a basic system for calling, displaying and retrieving PHP functions, then generate a basic page layout section so that templatyes can be altered/pugged into?

I think my experience in researching CMS's is the same. I review the features, play with a demo, look at example sites using the system, and conclude that I don't like it. The problem is one I understand well, though. As a programmer myself, I understand how truly difficult it is to code something truly generic and customizeable. Fact is, nobody's needs are "generic". Even people who say, "I just want a system to let me post articles" have their own way they want/expect it to work and want it to look.

The conclusion I come to is that for the limited set of features I really want, and considering my "expert" level webdev skills, I'd be happier coding my own solution. I find that the time it takes me to understand somebody else's system, I could be 25% through my own...or so. This could also be that I'm terrible at figuring out other people's code!

Be sure to follow up and let us know what and if you decide on something. :)

I went through all the stuff you did, trying to find the ONE. I never found it, and decided to build the sites by hand using php includes.

Ouch, you guys are killing me.... I've also been on a hunt for the last couple of weeks for a CMS.

The need is that I could prepare a website for our church and two minutes later content would change. I don't want to get sucked into the update vortex and the "church ladies" are total non-techies.

The other issue is our congregation members, being in a rather upscale area, are used to things being done on a very professional level.

These two things combined make me nervous about getting too involved.

Can someone suggest the top 3 I might have a quick look at in the next step of my quest?

My needs are along the same lines as Autocrat's with the exception of being able to plug into an existing site (since a redesign is in the plan anyway).


bsnodgrass, if you simply want to build a website, then have an easy, non-technical way for privileged users to change content, my SnippetEdit product may work for you. It's very limited in features, but does one task very well. You can demo it at my website. http://www.snippetedit.com SnippetEdit lets you, the webmaster, define editable areas or "snippets" that will be editable--even rich-text editable.

bsnodgrass, if you simply want to build a website, then have an easy, non-technical way for privileged users to change content, my SnippetEdit product may work for you. It's very limited in features, but does one task very well. You can demo it at my website. http://www.snippetedit.com SnippetEdit lets you, the webmaster, define editable areas or "snippets" that will be editable--even rich-text editable.

Thanks Troy, I did look at that before I did this post. BTW it should work on Opera as well... (if you haven't seen opera I would highly recommend you take a peak.)
As a simple editor for content I think you might have an option for me... it certainly is simple.

Thanks Troy, I did look at that before I did this post. BTW it should work on Opera as well... (if you haven't seen opera I would highly recommend you take a peak.)
As a simple editor for content I think you might have an option for me... it certainly is simple.

I have sites online using PHPWebsite and Joomla. After trying them I was after something that would not just be easy for clients but also on the admin side. For me, the deciding factor in most cases is the support. I've been working with CMS for about 5 years and can resolve most issues without resorting to support forums, but they are certainly one of my main concerns. I also have a couple of php shopping carts online and my decisions were in a large part based on support and quickness of replies.

I had a revelation with Etomite, a CMS I am using for the articles in my main site. The directory is on Indexu and the forums in phpBB, but the articles are managed by the small CMS. I have to admit I found it nice. Took me 2 days to put it to work but it's indeed OK. The friendly URLs option is the one I chose it for. I hope I'll start seeing the results ...


It's been a while... and I've played.... and Played... and PLAYED!


After pestering their IRC Support channel... I get some answers (poor folks never new what hit them :) ).

I've done about 12 sites with it.... and no two are a like.
Each is fully custom designed (by hand!), with it's own CSS.... even most of the "Module Templates" have been modified, and in some cases, completely re-built (Output only, I tend to shy away from the PHP ;) )

So, if you are willing for a shock, and a steeeeeeeeppp learning curve... teh nit is Xaraya.
Not one other system I have found is as flexible in regards to design... and the output is pretty flexible too (once you figure that there are inner and outer templates for just about anything + the odd middle tempaltes :) )

well, just thought I'd update.

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