i have this function and it works right only to mozilla

function check_field(formid,field)
	var k=document.getElementById(formid);
	if (k[field].value=="")
		document.getElementById("wrong_"+field).innerHTML="    Κενό πεδίο";

i use this element to call it

<tr >
                <th width="22%" <?php if (isset($_SESSION["prob_onoma"])) echo "class=\"become_wrong\"";?> align="left" >
                <th width="45%">
                    <input type="text" onblur="check_field('contact_form','onoma')" name="onoma" id="onoma" maxlength="40" size="40" value='<?php if (isset($_SESSION["onoma"])) echo $_SESSION["onoma"];?>' />
                <th width="33%" class="wrong" id="wrong_onoma" name="wrong_onoma" >
                    <!-- edo emfanizei to lathos -->
                    <?php if (isset($_SESSION["prob_onoma"])) echo $_SESSION["prob_onoma"];?>

but this function works right only in mozilla how it can run correctly to internet exmplorer/safari/chrome/opera? And why it does not work correctly to the other browsers?
Thank you very much


I can't see anything obviously wrong but can suggest a way ahead.

First, reduce some uncertainty and reduce the need for document.getElementById() in check_field() by reformulating the onblur code as follows :

<input type="text" onblur="check_field(this,'wrong_onoma')" name="onoma" id="onoma" maxlength="40" size="40" value="<?php if (isset($_SESSION["onoma"])) echo $_SESSION["onoma"];?>" />

Then, rewrite check_field() to receive those parameters and include some alerts to see where things are breaking down in IE/Opera etc. eg:

function check_field(inputElement, errorElementId)
  alert("check_field");//to see whether the onblur event triggers its handler.
  var errorMessage;
  var errorElement = document.getElementById(errorElementId);
  if (!inputElement){ alert("Input element element not found"); }
  if (!errorElement){ alert("Error element not found"); }
  if (inputElement && inputElement.value === "")
    errorMessage = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;?e?? ped??";
	if (errorElement) { errorElement.innerHTML = errorMessage; }
	else { alert(errorMessage); }
  else {
	if (errorElement) { errorElement.innerHTML = ""; }
	else { alert(""); }

By seeing which alert(s) fire you should be able to see where the code is failing.

(Sorry, you will need to replace the Greek characters, they don't survive copy/paste under "English" windows).


Another thought :

Try my code with and without Greek characters to see if they are the problem.

If necessary, you can write your error message directly into your error field ("wrong_onoma") and hide it with css display:none . Then just show/hide the error message with something like :

errorElement.style.display = 'block';
errorElement.style.display = 'none';

This will avoid having to handle Greek characters in Javascript. As long as you have the right <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=........."> in the page head, then you should be OK. I'm sure you understand this better than I where the Greek characterset is concerned.


it seems that onblur it works only on mozilla do you know why it does not work to the others?
Thank you very much for your help

it seems that onblur it works only on mozilla do you know why it does not work to the others?
Thank you very much for your help

Mmmmm. Maybe you can ignore all that stuff about Greek characters.

Browsers are strange animals. IE6 certainly knows about <input onblur="..."> (I just checked it) but maybe MS forgot to implement it in later versions (IE7/8). My reference book says that input onblur was supported by Netscape from version 2 on but that doesn't mean to say all the Moz browsers still play ball.

Personally, I choose not to validate fields onblur because of this very issue. It's just too unreliable. By all means try it but always have an additional, general checker which fires <form onsubmit="..."> to check everything.

If you must have checking as you tab through a form, then you can fire your general checker onfocus for each field, which tends to be more reliable than onblur. You have to check everything every time because you don't know which field was just modified.


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