
I have an array of integers

I like to retrieve the max number and index of max number from that array without using Math.Max() function..

Presently in this below code, I have 4 dynamic values, end user will be select degree from combo box, entering the values semester, Max marks and Obtained marks as numeric values. Once entered dynamic rows will be created and it also calculate the percentage by the formula (om/mm)*100 for each row on clicking Sum and it also creates new column…

I needed to have code when the degree changes only.. it should calculate the sum of all max.marks and Obtained marks of each semester and then calculate percentage by above formula… and also new column should not be created…..Please sort with max marks… Please help me in this regard… Thank you for helping me initially.

what is the easiest way...


function insRows()
    var x = document.getElementById('finalMarks').insertRow();
    var cell = x.insertCell(0)
    var a = x.insertCell(1);
    var b = x.insertCell(2);
    var c = x.insertCell(3);
    var d = x.insertCell(4);
    var element1 = document.createElement("input");
        element1.type = "checkbox";
    a.innerHTML = document.getElementById('txtqualify').options[document.getElementById('txtqualify').selectedIndex].text
    b.innerHTML = document.getElementById('txtsem').value
    c.innerHTML = document.getElementById('txtmaxmrk').value
    d.innerHTML = document.getElementById('txtobtmrk').value

function function1()
   var myRow = document.all.finalMarks.rows.length;
   var ed='';
   var mm=0,om=0, x,z;
        r = document.all.finalMarks.rows[i];
    pr = r.cells[1].innerHTML
    mm+= parseInt(r.cells[3].innerHTML)
    om+= parseInt(r.cells[4].innerHTML)
    if (pr!=ed && ed!='')//(i==myRow-1)
            prevr = document.all.finalMarks.rows[i-1];
            mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td");
            mm-= parseInt(r.cells[3].innerHTML)
            om-= parseInt(r.cells[4].innerHTML)
            z = (om/mm)*100
            mycurrent_cell.innerHTML = z
            mm= parseInt(r.cells[3].innerHTML)
            om= parseInt(r.cells[4].innerHTML)
            alert(mycurrent_cell.innerHTML  +   '['  + pr + ']' + ed)
                qualary[qualary.length] = prevr.cells[1].innerHTML
                pctary[pctary.length] = mycurrent_cell.innerHTML
                mycurrent_cell.innerHTML = z;
                document.getElementById('txtpert').value = z
        ed = r.cells[1].innerHTML
        if (i==myRow-1)
            prevr = document.all.finalMarks.rows[i];
            //mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td");
            x = (om/mm)*100
            mycurrent_cell.innerHTML = x
            qualary[qualary.length] = prevr.cells[1].innerHTML
            pctary[pctary.length] = mycurrent_cell.innerHTML
            document.getElementById('txtperct').value = x
    //document.frmMarks.txtper.value = Math.max( x, z)
    var str = sortAndReturn(pctary,qualary)
    //alert(pctary  +   '$'   + qualary)    //alert(sortAndReturn(pctary,qualary))
    //alert(str)    //alert(str[0]+','+str[1])
     document.getElementById('degr').value = str.split('$')[0]
     document.getElementById('txtmarks').value = str.split('$')[1]
function sortAndReturn(pctary,qualary)
    var myArray3 = new Array();
    //alert(sort(pctary))    //alert(myArray3)
    return qualary[indexSearch(myArray3,pctary[0])] + '$' + pctary[0]
function sort(a)
    var  max;
        max   =  i;
            if (a[j]>a[max])
        if (i != max)
            var swap = a[i];
            a[i] = a[max];
            a[max] = swap;

function indexSearch(a,b)
    {return i ;}


<table BORDER ="6"  width="85%"align="center" bgcolor="#00FFFF"  style="font-family: Verdana;color: black;font-size: 12px">
                    <td align="center" width="25%" height="40"> Qualification:</td>
                    <td align="left" style="WIDTH:25%" >
                    <select id ="txtqualify" style ="width:150px;height:25px" name ="txtqualify"  > </select> </td>
                    <td align="center" width="25%" height="40">Semester:</td>
                    <td> <input type = "text" SIZE="8" maxlength = "3" id = "txtsem" name = "txtsem"> </td>
                    <td align= "center" width ="25%" height="40">Max.Marks:</td>
                    <td> <input type = "text" SIZE="8" maxlength = "3" id = "txtmaxmrk" name = "txtmaxmrk"> </td>
                    <td align= "center" width ="25%" height="40">Obtained.Marks:</td>
                    <td> <input type = "text" SIZE="8" maxlength = "3" id = "txtobtmrk" name = "txtobtmrk"> </td>
                    <td align= "center" width ="25%" height="40">Percentage:</td>
                    <td> <input type = "text" SIZE="8" maxlength = "5" id = "txtper" readonly name = "txtper">
                    <td align="center" colspan="4" valign="middle">
                        <input type="RESET" align="middle" style="width:20%" value="ADD"  onclick="insRows()" >
                         <input type="button" align="middle" style="width:20%" value="REMOVE" onclick="delRow()" >
                         <input type="button" align="middle" style="width:20%" value="CLOSE" onclick="" >
                         <input type="button" align="middle" style="width:20%" value="SUM" onclick="function1()" >
                    <td  align="center" height="40"> <input type = "text" SIZE="8" maxlength = "5" id = "txtpert" name = "txtpert"> </td>
                    <td align="center"> <input type = "text" SIZE="8" maxlength = "5" id = "txtperct" name = "txtperct"> </td>
                    <td align="center"> <input type = "text" SIZE="10" maxlength = "5" readonly id = "degr" name = "degr"> </td>
            <table id ="finalMarks" BORDER ="6" width="85%"align="center" bgcolor="#00FFFF"  style="font-family: Verdana;color: black;font-size: 12px">
                    <th height="40">Remove</th>
                    <th>Percentage of Marks:</th>

hm.... I do not see any problem to get max number from array. Usually I use following function

	if (this.length == 0)
		return {'index':-1};
	var maxIndex = 0;
	for (var i = 1; i<this.length; i++)
		if (this[i]>this[maxIndex]) 
			maxIndex = i;
	return {'index':maxIndex, 'value':this[maxIndex]};

It returns index and value of max array item or index=-1 if array is empty

Hi Vitana,

Thank you for replying..
I request to provide code for sorting and to find max no in an dynamic array if possible to sort it out this problem


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