I am totally a newbie.. here is the code i have it working on another site or two but now it won't work here.. what am I doing wrong?
//we need to set a var to find what page we are on
$pageOn = basename($_SERVER);
//this is used for the title bar
$mItem = $pageOn;
<title>new|innovative technology | HVAC systems|VairTEX Canada Inc| <?=$mItem;?></title>

echo $pageOn;

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Looks like you're using short tags. They don't work on every server - depends on the php settings.



<?php echo $mItem;?>


I don't understand why you're doing this:

$mItem = $pageOn;

Why not just use $pageOn?

Thanks I figured out I was actually using 2 parts of different php bits.. duh.. blonde moment..

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