hi guys,
where can we find free pdf tutorial on asp.net 3.5 with mvc and silverlight and also in sql 2005

tnx in advance

thank you for replying to my thread adatapost.
how about pdf files that we can download? btw, are we allowed here to discuss about this matter?

tnx in advance

thank you for replying to my thread adatapost.
how about pdf files that we can download? btw, are we allowed here to discuss about this matter?

tnx in advance

One more location is MSDN online pages. A book from Phil Haack, Hanselman and ScottGu - its free CC licensed - http://aspnetmvcbook.s3.amazonaws.com/aspnetmvc-nerdinner_v1.pdf

tnx adatapost for replying..
but before posting and asking here about any tutorial regarding silverlight and mvc in asp.net 3.5, i have already downloaded the sample nerdinner using mvc ebook.

it seems i couldn't find any tutorial on silverlight and mvc in asp.net 3.5 in just one book. :(

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