
how to do cronjob in windows. i am using wamp server. give any suggestions.

You write your php script say mycron.php. Then in windows start/programs/accessories/system tools/schedule task, add one task
you may give direct command like

php.exe "c:\apache\htdocs\myweb\myfolder\mycron.php?mypara=1"

you may set time, give userid password.

now windows will take care of rest things

thank you for your reply. i have small doubt.
myweb\myfolder\ means? and one thing where i can give my site path ?

You might be storing your webpage folder on physcial location say

apache root
c:\program files\apache2\htdcos\

and you may be access it in browser

for cron job you may place your file anywhere in your harddisc, you may also keep it in folder in apache root

where is your kalpan/email folder on your hard disk, find it and post the path here.

it is in C:\wamp\www\kalpana\mycron.php

Member Avatar for diafol
php.exe "c:\wamp\www\kalpana\mycron.php?mypara=1"

Just so this doesn't go on and on :icon_rolleyes:

Ardav is right, thanks for stopping things here

i am scheduling one task. i have no idea before at this one. thats why i am asking more about this. sorry for that....

start/programs/accessories/system tools/schedule task->
after it is asking "click the program you want windows to run." can i browse dreameweawer?

hello ardav...

how to do cron job in windows?
thanks for your replys mr.urtrivedi.

search on your computer for php.exe
you browse to the path or your php.exe files path
then give other inputs
at the end open for advance settings

then "c:\some path\php.exe"
will come add your script name to the end like
"c:\some path\php.exe" "c:\wamp\www\mysite\mycron.php"

press apply

i did not found php.exe file in wamp.

search in your computer some where in program files or anywhere else

yes i found..this is the path.C:\wamp\php\php.exe.

start/programs/accessories/system tools/schedule task->
after it is asking "click the program you want windows to run." can i browse dreameweawer?

Member Avatar for diafol

Did you do something like this?

Open Task Scheduler > Create New Task

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