Hi Guys,

Anybody tell or give me the code for show and play video in PHP.

Reply as soon as possible.....

You can not play videos with PHP, You have to use flv player or other video players. OK!

can you please give me some idea or code kind of thing how to i do this

Hi shailendra,
download flv player from :

Now You will get one readme.html file.
Here you will find embeded code to play file.
and you will find file=video.flv , video.flv is file to play.
Now all you need is to dynamically add ur file here using php tag.

e.g. <param name="flashvars" value="file=<?=$myfile;?>&image=preview.jpg" />

Now copy all files which are used in demo and insert in your website's directory structure to work it out.

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