Hi guys...

I need a PHP code which will display a hyperlink only between 8:00 am - 8:00 pm.


In something I'm working on this week I have

$cutoff = strtotime("2010-07-20 00:59"); 
$now = mktime();
if ($now<$cutoff) {
 //do something until cutoff
	$currTime = date('H:i');
	if($currTime >= "08:00" && $currTime <= "20:00")
		?><a href="#">Time is between 8:00 am - 8:00 pm.</a><?

Try this code.

	$currTime = date('H:i');
	if($currTime >= "08:00" && $currTime <= "20:00")
		?><a href="#">Time is between 8:00 am - 8:00 pm.</a><?

Try this code.

Nicely done!

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