
google provided translated code. i want to restrict dropdown languages. i want to show only 5 languages. i tried a lot. anybody help me plz. how to show selected languages.here is the code. displaying all languages in drop down. i want to display only 5 languages...how to do?

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi">
    <script type="text/javascript">

      // Load the Google Transliteration API
      google.load("elements", "1", {
            packages: "transliteration"

      var transliterationControl;
      function onLoad() {
        var options = {
            sourceLanguage: 'en',
            destinationLanguage: ['ar','hi','kn','ml','ta','te'],
            transliterationEnabled: true,
            shortcutKey: 'ctrl+g'
        // Create an instance on TransliterationControl with the required
        // options.
        transliterationControl =
          new google.elements.transliteration.TransliterationControl(options);

        // Enable transliteration in the textfields with the given ids.
        var ids = [ "transl1", "transl2" ];

        // Add the STATE_CHANGED event handler to correcly maintain the state
        // of the checkbox.

        // Add the SERVER_UNREACHABLE event handler to display an error message
        // if unable to reach the server.

        // Add the SERVER_REACHABLE event handler to remove the error message
        // once the server becomes reachable.

        // Set the checkbox to the correct state.
        document.getElementById('checkboxId').checked =

        // Populate the language dropdown
        var destinationLanguage =
        var languageSelect = document.getElementById('languageDropDown');
        var supportedDestinationLanguages =
        for (var lang in supportedDestinationLanguages) {
          var opt = document.createElement('option');
          opt.text = lang;
          opt.value = supportedDestinationLanguages[lang];
          if (destinationLanguage == opt.value) {
            opt.selected = true;
          try {
            languageSelect.add(opt, null);
          } catch (ex) {

      // Handler for STATE_CHANGED event which makes sure checkbox status
      // reflects the transliteration enabled or disabled status.
      function transliterateStateChangeHandler(e) {
        document.getElementById('checkboxId').checked = e.transliterationEnabled;

      // Handler for checkbox's click event.  Calls toggleTransliteration to toggle
      // the transliteration state.
      function checkboxClickHandler() {

      // Handler for dropdown option change event.  Calls setLanguagePair to
      // set the new language.
      function languageChangeHandler() {
        var dropdown = document.getElementById('languageDropDown');

      // SERVER_UNREACHABLE event handler which displays the error message.
      function serverUnreachableHandler(e) {
        document.getElementById("errorDiv").innerHTML =
            "Transliteration Server unreachable";

      // SERVER_UNREACHABLE event handler which clears the error message.
      function serverReachableHandler(e) {
        document.getElementById("errorDiv").innerHTML = "";

  <center>Type in Indian languages (Press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Hindi)</center>
    <div id='translControl'>
      <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxId" onclick="javascript:checkboxClickHandler()"></input>
      Type in <select id="languageDropDown" onchange="javascript:languageChangeHandler()"></select>
    <br>Title : <input type='textbox' id="transl1"/>
    <br>Body<br><textarea id="transl2" style="width:600px;height:200px"></textarea>
    <br><div id="errorDiv"></div>
Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
var i=0;
        for (var lang in supportedDestinationLanguages) {
		  if (i>=5) break;
		  else i++;
          var opt = document.createElement('option');

To restrict only 5 modify this at 59.

If you want to restrict for specific languages then write a condition

Below show only for TAMIL (modify according to your need.)

//var i=0;
        for (var lang in supportedDestinationLanguages) {
		  //if (i>=5) break;
		  //else i++;
          var opt = document.createElement('option');
          opt.text = lang;
		  if (lang=="TAMIL"){
          opt.value = supportedDestinationLanguages[lang];
          if (destinationLanguage == opt.value) {
            opt.selected = true;
          try {
            languageSelect.add(opt, null);
          } catch (ex) {

But some more functions should also be change to recognize that language, the above only listed what you want. Also check for other functions to achieve the specific language result.

no....i want to display dropdown list as telugu,tamil,hindi.this 3 languages.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
for (var lang in supportedDestinationLanguages) {
		  //if (i>=5) break;
		  //else i++;
          var opt = document.createElement('option');
          opt.text = lang;
		  if (lang=="TAMIL" || lang=="TELUGU" || lang=="HINDI"){
          opt.value = supportedDestinationLanguages[lang];
          if (destinationLanguage == opt.value) {
            opt.selected = true;
          try {
            languageSelect.add(opt, null);
          } catch (ex) {

I tested and works fine! hope this solves!

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Somewhat you made mistakes on modifying.Anyway I attached the file. It (will) works.

commented: thanks for your help. +1

thanks a lot. thank you so much my friend.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Welcome MuraliKalpana! Please mark as solved if it is solved!

thank u very much

if i want to add any international language on it or its not possible to add all languages like google translator.???

your codes are too helpful thanks for that but if i am adding some more languages it not accepting the aditional languages rather than that can you resolve it??

Member Avatar for diafol

You are responding to a 5 year old thread. You question is not clear. I suggest you start a new thread and articulate your problem clearly.

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