Hi All
I am using AWM menu and there is functon awmCreateMenu() which creates a menu, but exactly not getting the different argumnts to this function.
Will please any one help to get meanings of these parameters?
Actually I want to activate or open this menu using an short key like shift+MenuName first alphabet eg Shift + A or Alt + A will also do
Please Help..

Hi and welcome to daniweb. Have you read the documentation for AWM menu because I'm sure all of your questions will be answered in the starters guide. So I would suggest reading the manual and if you still can't find the answer then post your attempted code here. And also please post a link to the api documentation and download. But keep in mind read the manual before doing this.

I tried to read the documentation for AWM but not getting exactly which documentation I should follow. Will anyone please give me the the exact link for whole documentation so that I can go sequencially.

Where abouts did you download it because I can't find any download link, official documentation or anything. And in fact this thread is the number one result in google.

I was having the older version of the AWM tool to generate the menu. Now I had tried to modify javascript code to add the feature of navigation through arrow keys for the generated menus. but I am getting where to add the keys or key code. I m exactly not getting the different javascript functions which are generated by the toold for menus.
Please suggest a suitable way. Whatever I was talking about the documentation actually that was help in the older version of the AWM tool.

Please re-read the first sentence my previous post and answer.

Please re-read the first sentence my previous post and answer.

I think you are not getting me, actually no documentation is available with me. Whatever version (now its expired) I was using it was too older and some menus were created using that one. The javascipt code and menu file is available with me. I am trying to modify this menu and want to have a short key to activate menu or control the navigation of menu using arrow keys. Thats why I am asking wheher it is possible, if yes will you please help me in modifying the javascript files. I tried to modify that javascript code so that I can change the delay between closing the menu and mouseout event. It was previously closing the menu very quickly and when I modified the interval in the javascript code its working fine i.e. its closing the menu after given no. of miliseconds.
Kindly reply as possible.

I have a similar query.
Before purchasing new software, I want to know whether the lastest version of AllWebMenus Pro 5.3, does it have support for generating shortcut keys for menus? If it has the support for shorcut keys then I can purchase it. Please reply for the same.

Is the following link the software you's are talking about because if it is then post the php/javascript/html/css code it has generated and I will guide you through the necessary corrections. But typically when dealing with programming it is best to stick to the code instead of a graphical interface.

Thanks for the link. I have downloaded that set up. And installed it too. But while starting it, it gives me following error

Run Time Error '372':
Failed to load control 'UniTreeView' from UniBox210.ocx. Your version of UniBox210.ocx may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application.

Please let me know, how do I handle this.

Thanks for the link. I have downloaded that set up. And installed it too. But while starting it, it gives me following error

Run Time Error '372':
Failed to load control 'UniTreeView' from UniBox210.ocx. Your version of UniBox210.ocx may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application.

Please let me know, how do I handle this.

OMG. You actually installed that before reading what I had to say. lol, That quote makes my day. In my previous post I asked if you were using that program and if not then as mentioned earlier where can I find this script/api. How hard is that. In otherwords, you send me a link like I sent you but with the correct download for what your using.

I downloaded the AllWebMenu 5 and tried to install it and also created some menu projects in it. But when I tried to compile the menu project its giving me messages for activation. This is ok I need to take the licence.
But the real problem I am willing to solve is that If I create any menu, whether it will have the control of arrow keys I mean if I want to navigate the menu items whether I can use the arrow key?
Please tell
As I am googling on javascript menus with navigation through arrow keys I am not able to find any other.


My name is Jennifer from Likno Software, creators of AllWebMenus.

@disha: This is a case specific issue and we have been in contact with you accordingly.

@ ganeshm21: At the moment, there is no support for this.

However its is in our 'to do' features considered for future implementation.

Thank you and feel free to contact our support team directly at SUPPORT [AT] LIKNO [DOT] com

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