
I want to get raw string from foreign characters string. Foreign characters are coming up as funny characters. WHat do i need to use in c#?

I have to ask, do you have the foreign language you are attempting to read installed on your operating system in the first place?

I just ran a few dummy tests utilizing hiragana as a sample and had no issue displaying a string of hiragana text in both a textbox and a messagebox.

However, I do note that if I attempt to read into a string from hiragana input into a text box it gets problematic.

What I might recommend is having a look at this link as it explains a process for recognition of foreign language inputs as well as other common input types but beyond that I'm not sure how to fully help with your question.

Also, this link might help as well. Outlines the use of .StrConv method to convert strings of different languages.


i am sharing one source code, to display different languages.
I need to show right text in different languages. I have all the languages installed onthe operating system. I need to use something like getraw<string>, for that need to add property.
Also, this is in episrever, thats why its different.

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