So this is the scenario. I provide a link to an Excel file. All the users are intranet user, so security is not a concern here. When the user clicks the link, it will pop up dialog to open/save with Microsoft Excel. Users are currently able to open file correctly. However, I want the user to be able to directly modify and update the excel file. Currently, only I (the owner) can update the excel file, the other will only get read-only copy. Saving the read-only excel file to that folder will generate error: "Folder is marked as read only". Trying to uncheck the read-only flag (using Windows Explorer) doesn't do anything, since it will revert back to it's greyed-out state. How do I grant write permission to everyone so that they are able to directly modify the excel file?

The link appears like: file://inetpub/wwwroot/<directory>/excelfile.xlsx
That link is openable using IE. Firefox won't do anything. So if someone could give a solution to that, that would solve another problem.

Thanks a lot

Server environment: PHP 5.2, IIS 6, SQL SERVER 2008, Windows Server 2008. Not a good development environment, I know. But I'm working for a company.


Once you are getting the file from a webserver you cannot do that without doing more steps.

One solution is:

- The user gets the file from the link.
- The user update the file and save it to its own computer
- Then makes upload to the server through the application

You can try to investigate this, too:

- Check if you can get the tmp filename through javascript/jquery when the user downloads the file to his computer. If you catch the name you can the make the upload through ajax automatically.

- If you are in a intranet define a directory in order for the users to save the files there and you have a cron getting the files to that place. the name of the file has to come from the server with an hashcode or something ir order for later the cron to recognize the file.

3. If you are in an intranet, share a public directory (for user for example) and when the user clicks on the file, the systems copys the file to that directory. Than the user can work on that and save it. Then make a cron that will push the file back to the system.

Best Regards,

tip for upload multiple files width jquery:

So this is the scenario. I provide a link to an Excel file. All the users are intranet user, so security is not a concern here. When the user clicks the link, it will pop up dialog to open/save with Microsoft Excel. Users are currently able to open file correctly. However, I want the user to be able to directly modify and update the excel file. Currently, only I (the owner) can update the excel file, the other will only get read-only copy. Saving the read-only excel file to that folder will generate error: "Folder is marked as read only". Trying to uncheck the read-only flag (using Windows Explorer) doesn't do anything, since it will revert back to it's greyed-out state. How do I grant write permission to everyone so that they are able to directly modify the excel file?

The link appears like: file://inetpub/wwwroot/<directory>/excelfile.xlsx
That link is openable using IE. Firefox won't do anything. So if someone could give a solution to that, that would solve another problem.

Thanks a lot

Server environment: PHP 5.2, IIS 6, SQL SERVER 2008, Windows Server 2008. Not a good development environment, I know. But I'm working for a company.

If multiple people could potentially update the file in parallel and then try to upload it to the server, you will eventually have the problem of one user overwriting someone else's changes. You could build an application to control this or maybe find an open source program that will do that. An easier option might be to use Google Docs. It would eliminate the need to upload / download and I believe that it has dealt with the concurrent update issue. I believe that they have dealt with security and privacy issues so that it can be a Corporate tool. I think that it is worth a look.

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