I am currently trying to store location data into a database and when i display it on a website, the location data is hyperlinked and when i click on it, it will act as a search query to display the location on Google Maps in a iframe. Does anyone know of any reference or resources for this functionality? Thanks

Hi adatapost,

Thanks for referring those websites, i will try reading through those. WIll get back here should i face any issues...

Hi, i think i elaborate my problem in this way

i want to show location on a google map by pulling data from the DB.

I am using asp.net, mysql DB, google map and i found out from some website that i needed to use ajax.

The process is like this
1. I have a event form where i have multiple fields to fill in and it includes a Location/Venue fields which i can enter a location by Name(Not the Co-ordination). I am located in Singapore. So all fields will be stored into the DB.

2. I have a webpage displaying a table of the data from the same DB, and it comes with a embedded Google Map. On the table, the value of the Location column will be Hyperlinked, and when i click it, it will act as a search query in the embedded google map and locate the address without reloading the page again(which i believe i gotta use iframe?)

I hope to get suggestions or references from you guys as i have been searching up and down for it... Thanks

Anybody can offer some help and suggestions? Thanks... Much appreciated

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