I was looking long time ago for perfect contact form that check if the input info is right and with security image....At least one week ago found it.....and because i just joined this website today so i wanna help the members as i can :)

If u want c this contact form online check my cv website <URL SNIPPED> Contact Page.

IMPORTANT: I didnt type this code i got it by searching..so i didnt remove the Copyrights from it (u can c it in the first of the code).

The Contact Contain 4 Files:
Contact.php << the page u c the form in.
securimage.php << the code that cr8 the security image.
securimage_show.php << the code that show the security image.
VeraSe.ttf << the font used in the security image.
=========== contact.php ============================================

*  Title: Easy PHP Contact Form
*  Version: 1.3 @ October 23, 2009
*  Author: Vishal P. Rao
*  Website: http://www.easyphpcontactform.com
*  Copyright 2009 Vishal P. Rao. All Rights Reserved.
*  This script may be used and modified free of charge by anyone
*  By using this code you agree to indemnify Vishal P. Rao or 
*  www.easyphpcontactform.com from any liability that might arise from 
*  it's use.
*  Selling the code for this program, in part or full, without prior
*  written consent is expressly forbidden.
*  Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet
*  or in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain
*  intact. This Copyright is in full effect in any country that has
*  International Trade Agreements with the India
*  Removing any of the copyright notices without purchasing a license
*  is illegal! 

 *	Script configuration - Refer README.txt

/* Email address where the messages should be delivered */
$to = 'info@YourDomain.com';

/* From email address, in case your server prohibits sending emails from addresses other than those of your 
own domain (e.g. email@yourdomain.com). If this is used then all email messages from your contact form will appear 
from this address instead of actual sender. */
$from = 'E-Mail Sender';

/* This will be appended to the subject of contact form message */
$subject_prefix = 'Subject Of The Email';

/* Form width in px or % value */
$form_width = '70%';

/* Form left column width */
$left_col_width = '25%';

/* Form font size */
$font_size = '12px';

/* Empty/Invalid fields will be highlighted in this color */
$field_error_color = '#FF0000';

/* Thank you message to be displayed after the form is submitted. Can include HTML tags. Write your message 
between <!-- Start message --> and <!-- End message --> */
$thank_you_message = <<<EOD
<!-- Start message -->
<p>We have received your message. If required, we will get back to you as soon as possible.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<!-- End message -->

/* URL to be redirected to after the form is submitted. If this is specified, then the above message will 
not be shown and user will be redirected to this page after the form is submitted */
/* Example: $thank_you_url = 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/thank_you.html'; */

$thank_you_url = '';

 *	Do not change anything below, unless of course you know very well 
 *	what you are doing :)

$name = array('Name','name',NULL,NULL);
$email = array('Email','email',NULL,NULL,NULL);
$subject = array('Subject','subject',NULL,NULL);
$message = array('Message','message',NULL,NULL);
$code = array('Code','captcha_code',NULL,NULL,NULL);

$error_message = '';

if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {


} else { //form submitted

  $error = 0;
  if(!empty($_POST['name'])) {
  	$name[2] = clean_var($_POST['name']);
  else {
    $error = 1;
    $name[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';
  if(!empty($_POST['email'])) {
  	$email[2] = clean_var($_POST['email']);
  	if (!validEmail($email[2])) {
  	  $error = 1;
  	  $email[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';
  	  $email[4] = '<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Invalid email</span></strong>';
  else {
    $error = 1;
    $email[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';
  if(!empty($_POST['subject'])) {
  	$subject[2] = clean_var($_POST['subject']);
  	if (function_exists('htmlspecialchars')) $subject[2] = htmlspecialchars($subject[2], ENT_QUOTES);  	
  else {
  	$error = 1;
    $subject[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';

  if(!empty($_POST['message'])) {
  	$message[2] = clean_var($_POST['message']);
  	if (function_exists('htmlspecialchars')) $message[2] = htmlspecialchars($message[2], ENT_QUOTES);
  else {
    $error = 1;
    $message[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';

  if(empty($_POST['captcha_code'])) {
    $error = 1;
    $code[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';
  } else {
  	include_once "securimage.php";
		$securimage = new Securimage();
    $valid = $securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code']);

    if(!$valid) {
      $error = 1;
      $code[3] = 'color:#FF0000;';   
      $code[4] = '<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Incorrect code</span></strong>';

  if ($error == 1) {
    $error_message = '<span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:90%;">Please correct/enter field(s) in red.</span>';


  } else {
  	if (function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) $subject[2] = htmlspecialchars_decode($subject[2], ENT_QUOTES);
  	if (function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) $message[2] = htmlspecialchars_decode($message[2], ENT_QUOTES);  	
    $body = "$name[0]: $name[2]\r\n";
    $body .= "$email[0]: $email[2]\r\n\r\n";
    $body .= "$message[0]:\r\n$message[2]\r\n";
    if (!$from) $from_value = $email[2];
    else $from_value = $from;
    $headers = "From: $from_value" . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "Reply-To: $email[2]" . "\r\n";
    mail($to,"$subject_prefix - $subject[2]", $body, $headers);
    if (!$thank_you_url) {
      include $header_file;
      echo $GLOBALS['thank_you_message'];
      echo "\n";
      include $footer_file;
	  else {
	  	header("Location: $thank_you_url");

} //else submitted

function showForm()

global $name, $email, $subject, $message, $code, $header_file, $footer_file, $form_width, $form_background, $form_border_color, $form_border_width, $form_border_style, $cell_padding, $left_col_width, $font_size; 	
include $header_file;
echo $GLOBALS['error_message'];  
echo <<<EOD

<form method="post" class="cForm">
<table style="width:{$form_width}; background-color:{$form_background}; border:{$form_border_width} {$form_border_style} {$form_border_color}; padding:10px; font-size:{$font_size};" class="contactForm">
<td style="width:{$left_col_width}; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding}; font-weight:bold; {$name[3]}">{$name[0]}</td>
<td style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};"><input type="text" name="{$name[1]}" value="{$name[2]}" /></td>
<td style="width:{$left_col_width}; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding}; font-weight:bold; {$email[3]}">{$email[0]}</td>
<td style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};"><input type="text" name="{$email[1]}" value="{$email[2]}" /> {$email[4]}</td>
<td style="width:{$left_col_width}; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding}; font-weight:bold; {$subject[3]}">{$subject[0]}</td>
<td style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};"><input type="text" name="{$subject[1]}" value="{$subject[2]}" size="40" /></td>
<td style="width:{$left_col_width}; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding}; font-weight:bold; {$message[3]}">{$message[0]}</td>
<td style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};"><textarea name="{$message[1]}" cols="35" rows="6">{$message[2]}</textarea></td>
<td style="width:{$left_col_width}; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};">&nbsp;</td>
<td style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};"><img id="captcha" src="securimage_show.php" alt="CAPTCHA Image" /></td>
<td style="width:{$left_col_width}; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding}; font-weight:bold; {$code[3]}">{$code[0]}</td>
<td style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; padding:{$cell_padding};"><input type="text" name="{$code[1]}" size="10" maxlength="5" /> {$code[4]}
<br /><br />(Please enter the text in the image above. Text is not case sensitive.)<br />
<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('captcha').src = 'securimage_show.php?' + Math.random(); return false">Click here if you cannot recognize the code.</a>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:{$cell_padding}; font-size:90%; font-weight:bold;">All fields are required.</td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:{$cell_padding};"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" style="border:1px solid #999;margin-top:5px;" /></td>

include $footer_file;

function clean_var($variable) {
    $variable = strip_tags(stripslashes(trim(rtrim($variable))));
  return $variable;

Email validation function. Thanks to http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9585
function validEmail($email)
   $isValid = true;
   $atIndex = strrpos($email, "@");
   if (is_bool($atIndex) && !$atIndex)
      $isValid = false;
      $domain = substr($email, $atIndex+1);
      $local = substr($email, 0, $atIndex);
      $localLen = strlen($local);
      $domainLen = strlen($domain);
      if ($localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64)
         // local part length exceeded
         $isValid = false;
      else if ($domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 255)
         // domain part length exceeded
         $isValid = false;
      else if ($local[0] == '.' || $local[$localLen-1] == '.')
         // local part starts or ends with '.'
         $isValid = false;
      else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $local))
         // local part has two consecutive dots
         $isValid = false;
      else if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+$/', $domain))
         // character not valid in domain part
         $isValid = false;
      else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $domain))
         // domain part has two consecutive dots
         $isValid = false;
      else if (!preg_match('/^(\\\\.|[A-Za-z0-9!#%&`_=\\/$\'*+?^{}|~.-])+$/', str_replace("\\\\","",$local)))
         // character not valid in local part unless 
         // local part is quoted
         if (!preg_match('/^"(\\\\"|[^"])+"$/',
            $isValid = false;
      if ($isValid && function_exists('checkdnsrr'))
      	if (!(checkdnsrr($domain,"MX") || checkdnsrr($domain,"A"))) {
         // domain not found in DNS
         $isValid = false;
   return $isValid;


=========== securimage.php =========================================


 * Project:     Securimage: A PHP class for creating and managing form CAPTCHA images<br />
 * File:        securimage.php<br />
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.<br /><br />
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.<br /><br />
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA<br /><br />
 * Any modifications to the library should be indicated clearly in the source code
 * to inform users that the changes are not a part of the original software.<br /><br />
 * If you found this script useful, please take a quick moment to rate it.<br />
 * http://www.hotscripts.com/rate/49400.html  Thanks.
 * @link http://www.phpcaptcha.org Securimage PHP CAPTCHA
 * @link http://www.phpcaptcha.org/latest.zip Download Latest Version
 * @link http://www.phpcaptcha.org/Securimage_Docs/ Online Documentation
 * @copyright 2007 Drew Phillips
 * @author drew010 <drew@drew-phillips.com>
 * @version (March 24, 2008)
 * @package Securimage

  - Error reading from wordlist in some cases caused words to be cut off 1 letter short

  - Removed shadow_text from code which could cause an undefined property error due to removal from previous version

  - Audible CAPTCHA Code wav files
  - Create codes from a word list instead of random strings

  - Added the ability to use a selected character set, rather than a-z0-9 only.
  - Added the multi-color text option to use different colors for each letter.
  - Switched to automatic session handling instead of using files for code storage
  - Added GD Font support if ttf support is not available.  Can use internal GD fonts or load new ones.
  - Added the ability to set line thickness
  - Added option for drawing arced lines over letters
  - Added ability to choose image type for output


 * Output images in JPEG format
define('SI_IMAGE_JPEG', 1);
 * Output images in PNG format
define('SI_IMAGE_PNG',  2);
 * Output images in GIF format
 * Must have GD >= 2.0.28!
define('SI_IMAGE_GIF',  3);

 * Securimage CAPTCHA Class.
 * @package    Securimage
 * @subpackage classes
class Securimage {

   * The desired width of the CAPTCHA image.
   * @var int
  var $image_width = 118;

   * The desired width of the CAPTCHA image.
   * @var int
  var $image_height = 36;

   * The image format for output.<br />
   * @var int
  var $image_type = SI_IMAGE_PNG;

   * The length of the code to generate.
   * @var int
  var $code_length = 5;

   * The character set for individual characters in the image.<br />
   * Letters are converted to uppercase.<br />
   * The font must support the letters or there may be problematic substitutions.
   * @var string
  var $charset = 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWYZ23456789';
  //var $charset = '0123456789';

   * Create codes using this word list
   * @var string  The path to the word list to use for creating CAPTCHA codes
  var $wordlist_file = '../words/words.txt';

   * True to use a word list file instead of a random code
   * @var bool
  var $use_wordlist  = false;

   * Whether to use a GD font instead of a TTF font.<br />
   * TTF offers more support and options, but use this if your PHP doesn't support TTF.<br />
   * @var boolean
  var $use_gd_font = false;

   * The GD font to use.<br />
   * Internal gd fonts can be loaded by their number.<br />
   * Alternatively, a file path can be given and the font will be loaded from file.
   * @var mixed
  var $gd_font_file = 'gdfonts/bubblebath.gdf';

   * The approximate size of the font in pixels.<br />
   * This does not control the size of the font because that is determined by the GD font itself.<br />
   * This is used to aid the calculations of positioning used by this class.<br />
   * @var int
  var $gd_font_size = 20;

  // Note: These font options below do not apply if you set $use_gd_font to true with the exception of $text_color

   * The path to the TTF font file to load.
   * @var string
  var $ttf_file = "./VeraSe.ttf";

   * The font size.<br />
   * Depending on your version of GD, this should be specified as the pixel size (GD1) or point size (GD2)<br />
   * @var int
  var $font_size = 18;

   * The minimum angle in degrees, with 0 degrees being left-to-right reading text.<br />
   * Higher values represent a counter-clockwise rotation.<br />
   * For example, a value of 90 would result in bottom-to-top reading text.
   * @var int
  var $text_angle_minimum = -17;

   * The minimum angle in degrees, with 0 degrees being left-to-right reading text.<br />
   * Higher values represent a counter-clockwise rotation.<br />
   * For example, a value of 90 would result in bottom-to-top reading text.
   * @var int
  var $text_angle_maximum = 17;

   * The X-Position on the image where letter drawing will begin.<br />
   * This value is in pixels from the left side of the image.
   * @var int
  var $text_x_start = 5;

   * Letters can be spaced apart at random distances.<br />
   * This is the minimum distance between two letters.<br />
   * This should be <i>at least</i> as wide as a font character.<br />
   * Small values can cause letters to be drawn over eachother.<br />
   * @var int
  var $text_minimum_distance = 20;

   * Letters can be spaced apart at random distances.<br />
   * This is the maximum distance between two letters.<br />
   * This should be <i>at least</i> as wide as a font character.<br />
   * Small values can cause letters to be drawn over eachother.<br />
   * @var int
  var $text_maximum_distance = 23;

   * The background color for the image.<br />
   * This should be specified in HTML hex format.<br />
   * Make sure to include the preceding # sign!
   * @var string
  var $image_bg_color = "#e4e4c9";

   * The text color to use for drawing characters.<br />
   * This value is ignored if $use_multi_text is set to true.<br />
   * Make sure this contrasts well with the background color.<br />
   * Specify the color in HTML hex format with preceding # sign
   * @see Securimage::$use_multi_text
   * @var string
  var $text_color = "#b1b165";

   * Set to true to use multiple colors for each character.
   * @see Securimage::$multi_text_color
   * @var boolean
  var $use_multi_text = false;

   * String of HTML hex colors to use.<br />
   * Separate each possible color with commas.<br />
   * Be sure to precede each value with the # sign.
   * @var string
  var $multi_text_color = "#0a68dd,#f65c47,#8d32fd";

   * Set to true to make the characters appear transparent.
   * @see Securimage::$text_transparency_percentage
   * @var boolean
  var $use_transparent_text = false;

   * The percentage of transparency, 0 to 100.<br />
   * A value of 0 is completely opaque, 100 is completely transparent (invisble)
   * @see Securimage::$use_transparent_text
   * @var int
  var $text_transparency_percentage = 15;

  // Line options
   * Draw vertical and horizontal lines on the image.
   * @see Securimage::$line_color
   * @see Securimage::$line_distance
   * @see Securimage::$line_thickness
   * @see Securimage::$draw_lines_over_text
   * @var boolean
  var $draw_lines = true;

   * The color of the lines drawn on the image.<br />
   * Use HTML hex format with preceding # sign.
   * @see Securimage::$draw_lines
   * @var string
  var $line_color = "#DBDBB7";

   * How far apart to space the lines from eachother in pixels.
   * @see Securimage::$draw_lines
   * @var int
  var $line_distance = 15;

   * How thick to draw the lines in pixels.<br />
   * 1-3 is ideal depending on distance
   * @see Securimage::$draw_lines
   * @see Securimage::$line_distance
   * @var int
  var $line_thickness = 2;

   * Set to true to draw angled lines on the image in addition to the horizontal and vertical lines.
   * @see Securimage::$draw_lines
   * @var boolean
  var $draw_angled_lines = true;

   * Draw the lines over the text.<br />
   * If fales lines will be drawn before putting the text on the image.<br />
   * This can make the image hard for humans to read depending on the line thickness and distance.
   * @var boolean
  var $draw_lines_over_text = false;

   * For added security, it is a good idea to draw arced lines over the letters to make it harder for bots to segment the letters.<br />
   * Two arced lines will be drawn over the text on each side of the image.<br />
   * This is currently expirimental and may be off in certain configurations.
   * @var boolean
  var $arc_linethrough = false;

   * The colors or color of the arced lines.<br />
   * Use HTML hex notation with preceding # sign, and separate each value with a comma.<br />
   * This should be similar to your font color for single color images.
   * @var string
  var $arc_line_colors = "#8080ff";

   * Full path to the WAV files to use to make the audio files, include trailing /.<br />
   * Name Files  [A-Z0-9].wav
   * @since 1.0.1
   * @var string
  var $audio_path = './audio/';

  //There should be no need to edit below unless you really know what you are doing.

   * The gd image resource.
   * @access private
   * @var resource
  var $im;

   * The background image resource
   * @access private
   * @var resource
  var $bgimg;

   * The code generated by the script
   * @access private
   * @var string
  var $code;

   * The code that was entered by the user
   * @access private
   * @var string
  var $code_entered;

   * Whether or not the correct code was entered
   * @access private
   * @var boolean
  var $correct_code;

   * Class constructor.<br />
   * Because the class uses sessions, this will attempt to start a session if there is no previous one.<br />
   * If you do not start a session before calling the class, the constructor must be called before any
   * output is sent to the browser.
   * <code>
   *   $securimage = new Securimage();
   * </code>
  function Securimage()
    if ( session_id() == '' ) { // no session has been started yet, which is needed for validation

   * Generate a code and output the image to the browser.
   * <code>
   *   <?php
   *   include 'securimage.php';
   *   $securimage = new Securimage();
   *   $securimage->show('bg.jpg');
   *   ?>
   * </code>
   * @param string $background_image  The path to an image to use as the background for the CAPTCHA
  function show($background_image = "")
    if($background_image != "" && is_readable($background_image)) {
      $this->bgimg = $background_image;


   * Validate the code entered by the user.
   * <code>
   *   $code = $_POST['code'];
   *   if ($securimage->check($code) == false) {
   *     die("Sorry, the code entered did not match.");
   *   } else {
   *     $valid = true;
   *   }
   * </code>
   * @param string $code  The code the user entered
   * @return boolean  true if the code was correct, false if not
  function check($code)
    $this->code_entered = $code;
    return $this->correct_code;

   * Generate and output the image
   * @access private
  function doImage()
    if($this->use_transparent_text == true || $this->bgimg != "") {
      $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_width, $this->image_height);
      $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->image_bg_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->image_bg_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->image_bg_color, 5, 2)));
      imagefilledrectangle($this->im, 0, 0, imagesx($this->im), imagesy($this->im), $bgcolor);
    } else { //no transparency
      $this->im = imagecreate($this->image_width, $this->image_height);
      $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->image_bg_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->image_bg_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->image_bg_color, 5, 2)));

    if($this->bgimg != "") { $this->setBackground(); }


    if (!$this->draw_lines_over_text && $this->draw_lines) $this->drawLines();


    if ($this->arc_linethrough == true) $this->arcLines();

    if ($this->draw_lines_over_text && $this->draw_lines) $this->drawLines();



   * Set the background of the CAPTCHA image
   * @access private
  function setBackground()
    $dat = @getimagesize($this->bgimg);
    if($dat == false) { return; }

    switch($dat[2]) {
      case 1:  $newim = @imagecreatefromgif($this->bgimg); break;
      case 2:  $newim = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->bgimg); break;
      case 3:  $newim = @imagecreatefrompng($this->bgimg); break;
      case 15: $newim = @imagecreatefromwbmp($this->bgimg); break;
      case 16: $newim = @imagecreatefromxbm($this->bgimg); break;
      default: return;

    if(!$newim) return;

    imagecopy($this->im, $newim, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height);

   * Draw arced lines over the text
   * @access private
  function arcLines()
    $colors = explode(',', $this->arc_line_colors);
    imagesetthickness($this->im, 3);

    $color = $colors[rand(0, sizeof($colors) - 1)];
    $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 5, 2)));

    $xpos   = $this->text_x_start + ($this->font_size * 2) + rand(-5, 5);
    $width  = $this->image_width / 2.66 + rand(3, 10);
    $height = $this->font_size * 2.14 - rand(3, 10);

    if ( rand(0,100) % 2 == 0 ) {
      $start = rand(0,66);
      $ypos  = $this->image_height / 2 - rand(5, 15);
      $xpos += rand(5, 15);
    } else {
      $start = rand(180, 246);
      $ypos  = $this->image_height / 2 + rand(5, 15);

    $end = $start + rand(75, 110);

    imagearc($this->im, $xpos, $ypos, $width, $height, $start, $end, $linecolor);

    $color = $colors[rand(0, sizeof($colors) - 1)];
    $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 5, 2)));

    if ( rand(1,75) % 2 == 0 ) {
      $start = rand(45, 111);
      $ypos  = $this->image_height / 2 - rand(5, 15);
      $xpos += rand(5, 15);
    } else {
      $start = rand(200, 250);
      $ypos  = $this->image_height / 2 + rand(5, 15);

    $end = $start + rand(75, 100);

    imagearc($this->im, $this->image_width * .75, $ypos, $width, $height, $start, $end, $linecolor);

   * Draw lines on the image
   * @access private
  function drawLines()
    $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->line_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->line_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->line_color, 5, 2)));
    imagesetthickness($this->im, $this->line_thickness);

    //vertical lines
    for($x = 1; $x < $this->image_width; $x += $this->line_distance) {
      imageline($this->im, $x, 0, $x, $this->image_height, $linecolor);

    //horizontal lines
    for($y = 11; $y < $this->image_height; $y += $this->line_distance) {
      imageline($this->im, 0, $y, $this->image_width, $y, $linecolor);

    if ($this->draw_angled_lines == true) {
      for ($x = -($this->image_height); $x < $this->image_width; $x += $this->line_distance) {
        imageline($this->im, $x, 0, $x + $this->image_height, $this->image_height, $linecolor);

      for ($x = $this->image_width + $this->image_height; $x > 0; $x -= $this->line_distance) {
        imageline($this->im, $x, 0, $x - $this->image_height, $this->image_height, $linecolor);

   * Draw the CAPTCHA code over the image
   * @access private
  function drawWord()
    if ($this->use_gd_font == true) {
      if (!is_int($this->gd_font_file)) { //is a file name
        $font = @imageloadfont($this->gd_font_file);
        if ($font == false) {
          trigger_error("Failed to load GD Font file {$this->gd_font_file} ", E_USER_WARNING);
      } else { //gd font identifier
        $font = $this->gd_font_file;

      $color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)));
      imagestring($this->im, $font, $this->text_x_start, ($this->image_height / 2) - ($this->gd_font_size / 2), $this->code, $color);

    } else { //ttf font
      if($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
        $alpha = intval($this->text_transparency_percentage / 100 * 127);
        $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)), $alpha);
      } else { //no transparency
        $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)));

      $x = $this->text_x_start;
      $strlen = strlen($this->code);
      $y_min = ($this->image_height / 2) + ($this->font_size / 2) - 2;
      $y_max = ($this->image_height / 2) + ($this->font_size / 2) + 2;
      $colors = explode(',', $this->multi_text_color);

      for($i = 0; $i < $strlen; ++$i) {
        $angle = rand($this->text_angle_minimum, $this->text_angle_maximum);
        $y = rand($y_min, $y_max);
        if ($this->use_multi_text == true) {
          $idx = rand(0, sizeof($colors) - 1);
          $r = substr($colors[$idx], 1, 2);
          $g = substr($colors[$idx], 3, 2);
          $b = substr($colors[$idx], 5, 2);
          if($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
            $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, "0x$r", "0x$g", "0x$b", $alpha);
          } else {
            $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, "0x$r", "0x$g", "0x$b");
        @imagettftext($this->im, $this->font_size, $angle, $x, $y, $font_color, $this->ttf_file, $this->code{$i});

        $x += rand($this->text_minimum_distance, $this->text_maximum_distance);
      } //for loop
    } //else ttf font
  } //function

   * Create a code and save to the session
   * @since 1.0.1
  function createCode()
    $this->code = false;

    if ($this->use_wordlist && is_readable($this->wordlist_file)) {
      $this->code = $this->readCodeFromFile();

    if ($this->code == false) {
      $this->code = $this->generateCode($this->code_length);


   * Generate a code
   * @access private
   * @param int $len  The code length
   * @return string
  function generateCode($len)
    $code = '';

    for($i = 1, $cslen = strlen($this->charset); $i <= $len; ++$i) {
      $code .= strtoupper( $this->charset{rand(0, $cslen - 1)} );
    return $code;

   * Reads a word list file to get a code
   * @access private
   * @since 1.0.2
   * @return mixed  false on failure, a word on success
  function readCodeFromFile()
    $fp = @fopen($this->wordlist_file, 'rb');
    if (!$fp) return false;

    $fsize = filesize($this->wordlist_file);
    if ($fsize < 32) return false; // too small of a list to be effective

    if ($fsize < 128) {
      $max = $fsize; // still pretty small but changes the range of seeking
    } else {
      $max = 128;

    fseek($fp, rand(0, $fsize - $max), SEEK_SET);
    $data = fread($fp, 128); // read a random 128 bytes from file
    $data = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\n", $data);

    $start = strpos($data, "\n", rand(0, 100)) + 1; // random start position
    $end   = strpos($data, "\n", $start);           // find end of word

    return strtolower(substr($data, $start, $end - $start)); // return substring in 128 bytes

   * Output image to the browser
   * @access private
  function output()
    header("Expires: Sun, 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT");
    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT");
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    header("Pragma: no-cache");

      case SI_IMAGE_JPEG:
        header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
        imagejpeg($this->im, null, 90);

      case SI_IMAGE_GIF:
        header("Content-Type: image/gif");

        header("Content-Type: image/png");


   * Get WAV file data of the spoken code.<br />
   * This is appropriate for output to the browser as audio/x-wav
   * @since 1.0.1
   * @return string  WAV data
  function getAudibleCode()
    $letters = array();
    $code    = $this->getCode();

    if ($code == '') {
      $code = $this->getCode();

    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); ++$i) {
      $letters[] = $code{$i};

    return $this->generateWAV($letters);

   * Save the code in the session
   * @access private
  function saveData()
    $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'] = strtolower($this->code);

   * Validate the code to the user code
   * @access private
  function validate()
    if ( isset($_SESSION['securimage_code_value']) && !empty($_SESSION['securimage_code_value']) ) {
      if ( $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'] == strtolower(trim($this->code_entered)) ) {
        $this->correct_code = true;
        $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'] = '';
      } else {
        $this->correct_code = false;
    } else {
      $this->correct_code = false;

   * Get the captcha code
   * @since 1.0.1
   * @return string
  function getCode()
    if (isset($_SESSION['securimage_code_value']) && !empty($_SESSION['securimage_code_value'])) {
      return $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'];
    } else {
      return '';

   * Check if the user entered code was correct
   * @access private
   * @return boolean
  function checkCode()
    return $this->correct_code;

   * Generate a wav file by concatenating individual files
   * @since 1.0.1
   * @access private
   * @param array $letters  Array of letters to build a file from
   * @return string  WAV file data
  function generateWAV($letters)
    $first = true; // use first file to write the header...
    $data_len    = 0;
    $files       = array();
    $out_data    = '';

    foreach ($letters as $letter) {
      $filename = $this->audio_path . strtoupper($letter) . '.wav';

      $fp = fopen($filename, 'rb');

      $file = array();

      $data = fread($fp, filesize($filename)); // read file in

      $header = substr($data, 0, 36);
      $body   = substr($data, 44);

      $data = unpack('NChunkID/VChunkSize/NFormat/NSubChunk1ID/VSubChunk1Size/vAudioFormat/vNumChannels/VSampleRate/VByteRate/vBlockAlign/vBitsPerSample', $header);

      $file['sub_chunk1_id']   = $data['SubChunk1ID'];
      $file['bits_per_sample'] = $data['BitsPerSample'];
      $file['channels']        = $data['NumChannels'];
      $file['format']          = $data['AudioFormat'];
      $file['sample_rate']     = $data['SampleRate'];
      $file['size']            = $data['ChunkSize'] + 8;
      $file['data']            = $body;

      if ( ($p = strpos($file['data'], 'LIST')) !== false) {
        // If the LIST data is not at the end of the file, this will probably break your sound file
        $info         = substr($file['data'], $p + 4, 8);
        $data         = unpack('Vlength/Vjunk', $info);
        $file['data'] = substr($file['data'], 0, $p);
        $file['size'] = $file['size'] - (strlen($file['data']) - $p);

      $files[] = $file;
      $data    = null;
      $header  = null;
      $body    = null;

      $data_len += strlen($file['data']);


    $out_data = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); ++$i) {
      if ($i == 0) { // output header
        $out_data .= pack('C4VC8', ord('R'), ord('I'), ord('F'), ord('F'), $data_len + 36, ord('W'), ord('A'), ord('V'), ord('E'), ord('f'), ord('m'), ord('t'), ord(' '));

        $out_data .= pack('VvvVVvv',
                          $files[$i]['sample_rate'] * (($files[$i]['bits_per_sample'] * $files[$i]['channels']) / 8),
                          ($files[$i]['bits_per_sample'] * $files[$i]['channels']) / 8,
                          $files[$i]['bits_per_sample'] );

        $out_data .= pack('C4', ord('d'), ord('a'), ord('t'), ord('a'));

        $out_data .= pack('V', $data_len);

      $out_data .= $files[$i]['data'];

    return $out_data;
} /* class Securimage */


=========== securimage_show.php ====================================


include 'securimage.php';

$img = new securimage();

$img->show(); // alternate use:  $img->show('/path/to/background.jpg');


The VeraSe.ttf attached with all the other files with the post.

Nobody Commented...its that much bad? :S

Sorry, but this forum tends to be rather solving problem than showing. Besides, your code is too long to sit down, look at, and give comments...

yea u right, My mistake sorry :/...trying to help thats all

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