
Can anyone help me embed a .mht file into a php page? I don't want it to be downloaded, but visitors should be able to browse that mht file.

This works in IE and maybe Opera but it probably won't work in other browsers:

<iframe src ='test_mht_arch_page.mht' width='100%' height='800'>
          <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

There are programs to extract html from an MHT so that's another option.


I gave it a try, but id doesn't seem to work.

This works in IE and maybe Opera but it probably won't work in other browsers:

<iframe src ='test_mht_arch_page.mht' width='100%' height='800'>
          <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

There are programs to extract html from an MHT so that's another option.

I had the same problem but I was using cgi and the only method I could find was to rename the cgi to .mht and put a .htaccess file that made .mht files in that folder execute as cgi-s.

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Options +ExecCGI

AddHandler cgi-script .mht

Then in the cgi/mht I would read the content of the real .mht and output it.

I think a similar technique could be used in your case

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