how to start coding for webbased miniproject like this discussion forum

I wouldn't call vBulletin a mini-project, but hey. First make a plan, containing your required features. Coding comes later.

can you suggest me how to store the data posted by people in database???and also which type of database we have to use...means...tables/files???like dat

If you want to know how they do it, just download an open source forum. Then everything is available to you to learn from.

commented: probably the best solution +1

can you suggest where we get the code for project which is similar to jgossip forums....

hehe...ok well you could perhaps just right click, "View Source" and go from there :P

:'(:( any one of you can guide me how to do a project???

here is our mini prjct gist:
students and staff can login and they can share their ideas regarding campus placements,exams like important things which useful to their studies and carrier.And they can also post queries and answers if they know regarding studies.Students can post feedback to a particular professor.
And middle there is an administrator to whom first the posted content will go,it is visible to all iff he updated that topic......
As this is my first project I'm in chaos how to start :?: :'(
so,please help me for coding......and first I need requirements :confused: I dont know them also....

atleast help to draw uml and er diagrams.....plssssss :(

No one is going to hold your hand through this project. You have been given some suggestions, but you're going to need to show some effort on this and ask specific question if you expect to receive any further assistance.

how to start a mini project
i dont even have a idea on itttt
plzzzzzzzzz help meeeeeee outtttttttttt

have 2 submit my abstract by next thursday.........

You have to be clear what you are going to build. Ask your colleagues maybe..

Also, please do not REVIVE an old thread! Create your own...

Closing. Nothing further to be gained from this thread.

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