Please do anyone knows how i can implement something like this in my ecommerce shop?

Here is the link:http://www.restorationhardware.com/rh/design-gallery/index.jsp?link=designgallery_home&cm_re=DG-_-Category-_-Home&navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryId=cat1699014

Best Regards to everyone

It is an image map. You best look at the documentation, forum or wiki on your shop's website. There maybe a configuration or plugin for it.

Thanks for your reply! But i am developing the shop myself.

Best Regards

Then you can just look at the source code of the link you posted and see how it's done.

Sure! I have seen the source code but i am still not clear about it. I know that the image map is with html and java script and what i am not sure of is if the gallery is stored in the database because if you move your mouse over the the image it will popup a different image and when clicked, it will fetch you the products related to the specific category.

Best Regards

Static or dynamic, both are possible. There is no way to tell. If it is dynamic than the product (or category) needs be connected to an area on a certain image.

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