I have finished a web application, but i'm having problem publishing it. The application is meant to be accessed only by people in my office. But i actually don't know how to go about it. Is it possible to host it on my PC and it will be accessed by other people in the office through wireless or network cable?.


host your app in IIS, select your machine or create a server and provide the necessary permission to virtual directory.

hope that helps.

Pls, I will be very grateful if you throw more light on creating a server or if u can give me a link where i can get d steps to do it. My app is already in IIS. Thanks alot.

Server could be any machine in LAN..you can choose.

next thing install iis on that machine.

next thing create a virtual directory on that machine..

next thing publish your project to a folder.

next thing copy all the contents from that folder and paste in the virtual directory

of server.

try calling the page from your machine like..


hope it should work.

Thanks bro! You are da bomb. It worked. But i'm having a big problem. Each time i try to view a page it brings up an error page:

A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'http://localhost/SkyWebsite/portal.aspx.

<%@ page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false" inherits="verification, App_Web_al4fixk2" %>

Please what should i do?
Thanks alot.

Thanks bro! You are da bomb. It worked. But i'm having a big problem. Each time i try to view a page it brings up an error page:

A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'http://localhost/SkyWebsite/portal.aspx.

<%@ page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false" inherits="portal, App_Web_al4fixk2" %>

Please what should i do?
Thanks alot.

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Please start your own thread and be more specific, otherwise you will be ignored. The type of question you're asking can be answered with a search engine query. If you want hep with your code, post it.

How do I learn web development as quickly as possible?


commented: rofl +14
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