Ok I know I'll get heckled for this..lol but...It's been so long since I configured my ftp login info, I have lost my password. I use Dreamweaver, so is there a file that stores your password like MySQL does? MySQL has a text file or .ini file somewhere that stores usernames and passwords, is there a similar file within DW? Thanks for any help!

btw, I dont have controlPanel access to the server I am using, since it's a friends site, so I cant retrieve it that way.

Why not contact the hosting company? They'll ask you to possibly provide the last 4 digits of the credit card on file or they may email the username and password to the email address they have on file.

And yes dreamweaver does store the password in an encrypted file.

Why not contact the hosting company? They'll ask you to possibly provide the last 4 digits of the credit card on file or they may email the username and password to the email address they have on file.

Hey thanks, but again its a friends site...well my college instructor to be exact and so I dont have access to the site or his credit card number, social security #, or anything that would grant me access to usernames and such.

Oh..lol almost forgot. I hadn't forgot my password after all. I was trying to create a CGI index file for a search feature on a site. It has the option to upload the indexed files via ftp, and so I had entered my username and password. It must be something else wrong, because the password and all is correct. Anyway, marking this thread as solved. Thanks again.

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