i have been building a web site of late but the login page has given me hectic coz it s giving me an error which i dont understand please help me with the correct codes am using dream weaver and wamp server. will highly appreciate.

hi wangome,

it's difficult to help you if you don't tell more about your problems and errors.
Can you be more specific?


and telling what language you using would be helpful to so we can move it to correct section

thax for your concern am using dream weaver and wamp server.so direct me on how to create a form which will allow only authenticated members to log in.

so you don't know how to start with it???

there are a lot of script you can find on the net and adapt to your own

You should know that DW a lot of code in your page will create and unless you are really familiar with it, you will have troubles to adapt this code.
Best is to work in PHP.


I've been trying to design a program which have to sell computers which have used components for pentiumii pentiumiii & pentium for so it has choose the components to be used and display the total price for each

yea am familiar with thise codes but ave tried them and am getting tired with them so i needed step by step guidance

thax for your concern am using dream weaver and wamp server.so direct me on how to create a form which will allow only authenticated members to log in.

Sorry that is not reply. Dreamweaver is just a editor tool to help you with writing where WAMP is just Apache custom installation tweaked for Windows. Both of them are capable of running/supporting multiple languages PHP/ASP/ASP.NET/JSP.

So what language???

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