Hello all,

I need to develop a simple web application in java that will take MS excel files as input and generate output in excel format as well. Since I am not very experienced in java I am not sure what framework should I be using. Do I need to use JSP or can I develop a user interface using JSwing and use servlets to make it available on web? Will appreciate any help.


You need JSP to get file from user and forward it to user. To download it you should use Commons FileUpload or similar. Once you have file in servlet you want to use Apache POI to manipulate Excel

Thanks for your response! Can I use simple HTML to send user form input to servlet? For manipulating excel which api is better, JExcel or Apache POI?

You need JSP to get file from user and forward it to user. To download it you should use Commons FileUpload or similar. Once you have file in servlet you want to use Apache POI to manipulate Excel

Yes for upload you need form.
As for which is better JExcel or POI, I cannot say as I used only POI which was very easy and painless.


I've been testing my application on my local Tomcat server and it works perfectly fine. Now I need to run it on a shared server. I have access to a common development server (\\xyzserver) that has Tomcat installed on it. I uploaded my applicaiton under Tomcat->webapps folder. Do I need to know server ip-address to run my app
(e.g. http://xyzserver_ip/tomcat/.../myapp/index.html)? I tried running it by going into the directory \\xyzserver\tomcat\...\index.html. The html page opened fine but servlet code does not seem to respond.


Yes for upload you need form.
As for which is better JExcel or POI, I cannot say as I used only POI which was very easy and painless.

Got this issue resolved .. Thanks.


I've been testing my application on my local Tomcat server and it works perfectly fine. Now I need to run it on a shared server. I have access to a common development server (\\xyzserver) that has Tomcat installed on it. I uploaded my applicaiton under Tomcat->webapps folder. Do I need to know server ip-address to run my app
(e.g. http://xyzserver_ip/tomcat/.../myapp/index.html)? I tried running it by going into the directory \\xyzserver\tomcat\...\index.html. The html page opened fine but servlet code does not seem to respond.



I am using POI to manipulate excel input and generate excel output. But the output has to follow a certain format. Is it possible to copy worksheet from a template file to the output file? Will appreciate any help.


You need JSP to get file from user and forward it to user. To download it you should use Commons FileUpload or similar. Once you have file in servlet you want to use Apache POI to manipulate Excel

What you mean by template file? Can you provide more descriptive example?

By template file I mean another excel file from which the output excel file needs to copy some fixed rows and column values. So basically the output excel file will have similar format as that of a template excel file but it will be filled with data that is manipulated from the input file uploaded by user from form. Hope this is more clear.

What you mean by template file? Can you provide more descriptive example?

I figured out how to do this. Thanks for your response anyway!

What you mean by template file? Can you provide more descriptive example?

Sorry I could reply in time, at the moment I'm close to a death line on a project so max time going there

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