Ahoy Sailors!

So I'm scripting a socket based project in PHP, And now I've got to the stage where I'm needing to start accepting user input, What worries me is that PHP can't do two things & once (I.E Spawning & waiting for input from an interface & listening for new connections).

To my knowledge there are two major interface builders for PHP, GTK-PHP & Winbinder, I've been trying the latter but when the window is spawned & your script is performing other things, The window will freeze until you come back to it's part in the script.

So my question is, Firstly is this possible, & Secondly how?

Thanks Bye!

I'm afraid you have hit the wall you can't go past.
PHP have no threading, and seem like you talk about "spawning them"

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

You cant do that, you MUST use JavaScript, PHP only respond to browser what servers loaded. E.I: You cant play a game meanwhile you are not seen the screen... You need a response, the server will response what the PHP code will process...

Member Avatar for diafol

js will perform some of what you may need (along with typical ajax applications).

BTW: are you Mr. Threepwood?

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