Hi ... Friends ...

I have to develop one project in php for my project work. Our college has said that we have to use any one framework of php to develop our project. I am going to develop forum. Which frame will suits best for my development. I dont have knowledge of any framework except codeigniter. I know little bit codeigniter. Suggest me any framework which easier and faster for development.

Reply me please ....

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Smarty is ok. I use Rain TPL on occasion.

No framework is going to be easy or faster than any other at this point. Without learning any framework well enough to use it properly you'll slow yourself down.

Personally the only framework I use and like working with is the Zend Framework. But everyone is going to have their own opinion on this. Find one you're comfortable with and one that makes the most sense to you. Some are straightforward others try to implement a lot of "magic" functionality.

Check Codeigniter. It's small, light and fast to learn.

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